Chapter 25: The Headline

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Y/N: It has been a while.

F/N: Oh you know, I've been busy.

Y/N: Doing what exactly?

F/N: Oh preparing my means of prying you out of that hole that you have dug yourself in.

Y/N: Please, you won't be able to get your filthy hands on me! I have said it before and I'll say it again, these girls are more skilful than you know! You don't know anything!

F/N: I know everything my boy! I have eyes and ears everywhere. In fact you're probably being watched right now!

I look around the darkened area.


I knew I was being watched.

Y/N: You think I didn't know?

F/N: You what now?

Y/N: Oh I've known for a while. Everyone keeps telling me about my potential and my power.

F/N: Indeed. More incentive to escalate my plans. If I was you I wouldn't let this all get to your head. I would hate for you to become so arrogant that it blinds your judgment.

I could tell he was being sarcastic, but it was actually a good point.

Y/N: Huh. Never thought I would see the day that I would be saying this, but thanks for your advice. I will take this meeting into account.

F/N: It would be boring if something were to happen to you before we properly got to see each other again.

Y/N: I just hope it's sooner rather than later.

F/N: Yes.... you also make a good point. I too wish our meeting to happen soon. Perhaps some persuasion would force your hand.

Y/N: Whatever you're plotting will not work!

F/N: We'll see.

Those were the last words he spoke before disappearing into the night.

Those words sent a chill up my spine.

What was he planning?

All I knew was that I had to keep my guard up.

He's definitely getting impatient.

Making my way back to the dorm I heard voices coming from the classroom up ahead.

More importantly, I could hear the voice of the headmistress.

Holbrooke: Thank you for coming girls and sorry if this seems very sudden.

Not wanting to eavesdrop as it was probably nothing to do with me I continued to walk.

Diana: It is not problem headmistress.

Then I heard the voice of Diana.

I wonder if Hannah and Barbara are there too?

If they are then why wasn't I told?

Failing to resist the temptation of listening in, I silently walked up to the door and peeked in.

Hannah and Barbara were indeed in there.

But what caught me out was Akko, Amanda and their friends were there too.

Looking around I could also see, Bice, Bridget and Erika. Along with Avery, Mary and Blair.

Sarah, Chloe and Elfriede were also there.

Was there a pattern?

The news team was also there.

This was weird.

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