Chapter 40: Like A Novel

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Lotte POV

It was really weird how Y/N and Akko were acting around Sucy yesterday.

The whole day was just them both asking Sucy how she was and what kind of mood she was in.

But then again, Y/N was Sucy's boyfriend so I can understand his concern.

I was happy for her.

I was happy for everyone that was going out with him.

And most importantly, I was happy for him.

Hearing what he had been through and the emotional and mental scarring that must be left behind, made me feel happy that he finally was getting that life he deserves.

He treats them all so well!

I'm kinda jealous....

Akko: Lotte? You there?

Lotte: H-huh huh? Y-yeah I'm here? W-what's up?

Akko: Nothing! You just seemed to zone out there for a second.

Lotte: O-oh ok. I-o was just thinking about things.

Akko: W-what kind of things?

I didn't really want to spill me feelings to them.

I loved him.

Watching him get stronger everyday, I really wanted to have what the others had.

He was such a kind and gentle boy!

Plus he actually liked me for me!

Others in the past made fun of me for being into certain things or doing things to do with magic.

It really helped that he was really good at magic in the first place!

Lotte: C-can I-I tell you guys something?

Akko: Sure! What is it?

Lotte: K-keep it between us ok?

Sucy: Ok. But be careful when telling Akko! It's bound to slip out of her mouth anyway!

Akko: Hey! That's not true!

Sucy: Yeah sure!

Akko: Whatever! Why do you wanna say Lotte?

Lotte: I-I-I u-uhhhhh....

I was extremely nervous to tell them.

If I was getting this nervous now, then how was I going to be when I actually came to the point of confessing to Y/N!

If I confess to Y/N.

Akko: Hey! Woah Lotte! Calm down! What's gotten into you?

Lotte: I-I-I l-l-like Y-Y-Y/N!


I managed to say it!

Albeit con a stuttering mess.

Akko: You like Y/N too?! I mean I can't exactly blame you to be honest! There is so much to like about him!

Akko's eyes were sparkling as she swooned over him.

Lotte: Y-yeah I-I know. W-would you two be alright with me sharing?

Akko: Of course! We're all friends right?

Sucy: Sure, I mean I don't really too much of an issue with it.

Sucy mumbles something to herself.

Lotte: O-ok good. B-but I-I'm just worried about Diana, Hannah and Barbara. Will they accept it?

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