Chapter 81: Close To The Truth

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Everyone was relieved to see me, Akko and Ursula all arrive back at the school. Especially since we had all been gone for a couple of hours now.

Bice: Y/N oh my god! Don't ever do that!

Erika: You had us all worried!

Y/N: I-I'm sorry....but I couldn't let Akko be out there on her own! W-we nearly died!

Bridget: You put yourself in too many dangerous situations Y/N!

Y/N: I-I know and I know how much it stresses you all out....b-but I'd do anything to guarantee the safety of you all.

The three girls hugged me as I saw Akko being hugged as well by Lotte and Sucy. Ursula walked past and looked at me as she did.

I mouthed the words "thank you" at her and she nodded her head before disappearing around the corner.

Y/N: We managed to find the sixth word though...n-not everything went wrong!

Bice: I guess so...but come on now. The rest of the girls are waiting for us!

They dragged me away. I looked back to see that the red team was also following us.

Quickly, the three of them caught up.


Y/N: Hm? What did you say Diana?

I looked up from the book I was reading when Diana said my name.

Diana: Andrew sent me a message. He would like to see you and Akko in town.

Y/N: Andrew wants to see me? Did he say why?

Diana: He wants to return something to Akko. Why he wants to see you, I do not know. He just told me to tell you to go.

I smiled a little.

Y/N: Maybe he just wants to see me! I haven't seen him since that whole business at Appleton!

Diana: He seems to be becoming a good friend now then?

I nod which makes Diana smile as well.

Diana: You really are making a name for yourself! People talk about you all the time!

Y/N: Y-yeah...that's not exactly a good thing...

Diana: I understand that you are still scared my love...but I promise that we are all here to protect you...

Y/N: I-I know you all are...but it still doesn't mean I am worried...

Diana nodded her head and wrapped her arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

Diana: I will make sure to let Akko know as well. If you wait here, I shall send here to you.

Y/N: Okay! You don't wanna come with us?

Diana: I would rather not. I have a few things I need to keep an eye on here. And a few questions that I need to ask someone....

I raised an eyebrow.

Y/N: Who?

Diana: Do not worry about it. I just have a few questions for Professor Ursula.

Y/N: Oh okay! Well, I hope you find out what you wanna know from her!

Diana: I hope so too...

I patted Diana's shoulder and turned back to the book I was reading. She then kissed the top of my head and left me alone in the dorm.

Which was when I felt it all go cold...

F/N: Long time no see.

I didn't turn around. There was no way I wanted to turn around.

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