Chapter 27: Etched in the Memory

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Slowly but surely I got used to my new restricted life.

It wasn't that much of a bother when I was stopped by a few of the girls to talk to them.

It was nice to know that there were so many people that cared about me this much.

And let's say it's gotten....interesting.

Especially since Barbara spilled my secret to everyone.

The amount of teasing that has been going on has almost been too much for me.

But I have still managed to avoid having what innocence I have left taken away from me.

I only worry what it is going to be like when I am alone with Amanda.

But I still wouldn't count out any of the girls in my dorm.

Anyway, right now I was by myself wondering how everyone was on the other side of the Leyline.

My friends and the rest of my family.

I know it's a dark thought, but could he use them as a means to get me.

And I still didn't really know how safe the girls were.

He did hint at the fact that he could use them to get to me.

I had to keep my guard up.

I lie down on the grass and look into the sky.

I only wish it was nighttime so I could look at all of the stars.

It wasn't that long to wait now though.

I close my eyes and feel myself drifting off to sleep.

~~Time Skip~~

Opening my eyes it was now pitch black and the stars were filling the sky.

Now this is what I meant.

Although I couldn't name any of them, I still liked to just look at them. I felt like a little kid again.

Me and my Mum used to do this all the time, whenever we got the chance.

If I go back far enough then my Dad was actually ok for most of my childhood.

But he just sorta...changed.

It was really sudden and I don't know why but he just changed.

That's what drove my mother away.

And yet he still blames me for it.

For everything really.

Said that, 'we were much happier before you came along'.

His fault.

Should have been more careful then shouldn't he.

Y/N: *sigh* Why am I talking to myself?

I was lonely.

And remembering all this stuff was making me upset.

It was all etched in my memory now.

Engraved deep into my mind.

Forever scarred....

I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

I needed someone to hold me right now....

Ursula POV

Akko: Professor? Did you tell Y/N we were doing the lessons tonight?

Oh no! I didn't!

I hadn't spoken to Y/N in a while.

I've been neglecting him...

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