Chapter 80: Lyonne

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Y/N: How are you getting on Akko?

The climb up the Wagandea tree had been smooth so far, but I could slowly feel myself getting worn out. It was a long and winding upward path that really was getting progressively harder.

Akko: I-I'm fine...we have to do this Y/N...this is how I can discover the sixth word. So I can meet Chariot!

Akko did seem to be struggling a bit, however I was there as her support and was holding onto her hand as tightly as I could.

I'm glad I went with her in the end. I would be too worried about her if she had gone alone.

Y/N: Just tell me if you begin to struggle too much. I'll carry you if I have to.

Akko: I-I'll be fine Y/N! You won't have to! I can do this!

So we kept on climbing and climbing. Me and Akko, hand in hand. Whenever I looked back and saw how determined she really was, it was what kept me going let alone her.

This meant so much to her and I promised that I would always be there to help my girls whenever I could.

No matter how difficult it was!

Soon, it began to rain which made an already treacherous climb, even worse.

Y/N: This really is becoming very unsafe!

We stopped for a moment and Akko put her hood up. Me on the other hand, didn't have mine and was just wearing my normal uniform.

Akko: A-Are you gonna be okay with no hood?

Y/N: Yeah I'll be fine Akko. Don't worry, I've lived here all my life. It rains practically all the time.

Making sure that I was firmly gripping her hand again, we continued our trek. The rain wasn't actually as bad as I thought it would be and didn't make life that difficult for us.

Y/N: I'll tell you what, I didn't expect to be doing stuff like this when I was taken into the school!

Akko: Me neither. Life as a witch is so much different to how I imagined it would be...I didn't plan on doing anything like this when I applied for Luna Nova...I-I just wanted to be like Chariot!

Y/N: Well I think you're doing a good job! What you have done on your quest to find the seven words and all. The things you have learnt! You've come a long way since that girl I met in broom class.

I looked back and smiled at her.

Y/N: Don't ever change the way you are Akko. You're one of the most incredible people I've ever met! I mean that, from the bottom of my heart.

She grinned at me and reached for my other hand with hers. I turned around and she gently pulled me into a kiss.

We stayed like this for a few moments until she pulled away and giggled, bopping me on the nose.

Akko: Thanks Y/N~! You've come a very long way since that boy I met in broom class!

Y/N: A-All thanks to you girls! Now anyway, let's keep going! There's a time and a place to get all sappy and it's not really here!

I said while looking over the edge at the massive drop to the forest floor. It sent a shiver up my spine.

Akko: Alright then! Come on!

We continued for a bit longer. The path seemed endless as I kept on looking up. It literally looked like it stretched all the way into heaven.

Ursula: Akko! Y/N!

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