Househusband (Gai)

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Theme song:
The point of it all ~Anthony Hamilton

Love Language:
Acts of service

Gai is such an amazing man. That doesn't mean he doesn't weird you out at times with his over enthusiasm and athletic prowess. But you have to admit, he is a pretty fine man. Just energetic is all.

You've known Gai since he was a genin so nothing about his behaviors surprised you anymore. From the bets with Kakashi to challenging you constantly to a duel, which you won last time by the way, nothing could surprise you anymore.

That is until he started doing things for you. Now, this wasn't out of the ordinary for him but if you said you had it, he'd accept it but now he's persistent to help you in way he can. Even the smallest of things like carrying books from the library to the house or paying for you eating at that ramen stand. Something was up and you intended to find out.

So, one day, you were outsider and spotted Gai talking to Shizune about something. He looked...blushy? Embarrassed? It was something. Anyway, yuh pulled him to the side and asked him to walk with you for a second. He turned back to Shizune and gave her a look who gave him a look back and walked away. He then agreed to walk with you.

During the walk, you would conversate about random things until you brought it up.

"Gai, why do yuh constantly do things for me? I've noticed that...I'm the only one you go out of your way for..."

Gai immediately clammed up and turned the other way. You could tell he was turning red in the face. He stuttered as he explained why does those things.

"...W-Well I ah...I you..?"

You stopped in your tracks as did he and stared at him. Gai liking you was shocking but not nearly as shocking as to what came out if your mouth unconsciously.

"I like you too."

Marriage Life:
After the Fourth Shinobi War, the two if yuh decided to get married and let me tell you, marriage with Might Gai is an adventure. He's always doing something in the house. One day, you caught his walking on his hands throughout the house for the whole day, said it was exercise or something.

You grew up with him so yuh should be used to or at least expected for Gai to make up some kind of exercise like this but truth be told, you're still surprised at his antics.

Antics aside, he's such a sweet man. Flowers weekly from the Yamaha shop, each with different meanings. Every time, he'd give them to you while excitedly reiterating the meaning that was told to him by Ino.

"Ino-san told me about this flower's meaning and I immediately thought of you!"

He thought every flower reminding him of you. It's was a little funny but it was so sweet. You looked forward to each week with some new flowers to decorate the house with.

He always knew what to say to keep your head held high. Sure you had almost the same experiences and are the same age but it seemed as if he was wiser than his years. You'd find yourself coming to him often if yuh had a problem you didn't know how to fix on your own.

Let's get one thing straight, when you married Gai, you learned he had three kids, Neji, Tenten, and Lee. And for you, that was enough. Hell, they might as well be your children since you've watched them grow since their genin days as well. You always can recall counseling the small children, especially Neji about their abilities, fears, their missions, etc. You especially remember when those same three kids asked when the two of you were going to get married.

If you did decide to have kids of your own, you'd miraculously end up with triplets. You don't know how but it happened. Gai was more scared and excited than you were and you were the one pushing all three out.

Once they're here, Gai spoils them rotten while trying to teach them his exercise techniques. You don't know how many times you had to tell him that babies can't do what he can do.

"Not yet!"

Domestic Activities:
As much as he likes to move around the house and clean everything in every nook and cranny, there's a time to sit back and relax.

You participate in these relaxing exercises more than his regular ones and he's fine with it. As long as he spends some time with you, he's fine.

His favorite relaxation exercise is meditation. The complete silence with nothing but the birds chirping from the open windows and the smell of the freshly lit candles, he feels at peace. Then he hears you snoring away. You just can't help it, you fall asleep everything, sometimes leaning in him. He doesn't mind. It's kind of cute.

Cooking is his passion! Every night, he is in that kitchen cooking like his life depends on it for his family. He gets so pumped up while cooking the simplest things you'd think he just won another bet with Kakashi. It's adorable.

Random things he does for you:
Gai has godly and slight calloused hands and he loves to do things for his partner , especially if it's to make them feel better. So, he gives you messages every night in your most desired places.

Gai's messages are rough but needed. He's a little heavy handed with it but I'll you what, after each session, he leaves you feeling renewed. Sure you can't feel your spine anymore but sacrifices had to be made, right?

Speaking of, he still does any and everything for you, even if you don't ask him to, just like way back when. Still carrying your books and files to the house still putting your hair up and ready for bed, still catering to you. He'll never stop doing that.

 He'll never stop doing that

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