Desperado (Shino)

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"Don't you ever just want to run away from all of this?" You said.

Shino looked over at you. Your beauty showed the most under the natural lighting of the moon. Your Shayla let a little bit of your hair be seen by him, even though he can't see, it he was sure it was beautiful as well.

"Sometimes.. I do. But.."

You put your hand on his. "What's keeping you?"

"My family... everything that I've always known is here. This is my home."

"Home full of child soliders."

He turned to a little taken aback. Even so, what you said was true. His amazing jitsu of controling insects being perfected to battle on the front lines. He knew the higher ups thought of them as disposable. They were children. They could always get someone else greater to replace him.

"Look, I know what it looks like to have a country put forth all this propaganda in order to make it seem like having children, especially children with powerful jitsus in their family, isn't a bad thing. That we are the heros. But in reality, it's just more senseless violence."

"Senseless violence?" He questioned you.

"Shino, I've traveled all over the world seeing how different countries opporate. How they treat each other... The discrimination and violent natrural against those who are discriminated against are some of the worse things to happen to people. In result of that, they become rogue. "

Shino thought about Sasuke. His whole family killed by his older brother. So much hatred and anger built up inside. So much so, he left to get stronger and made it his mission to kill him. "Rogue ninjas don't always have a tragic past y/n."  He moved his thoughts to the immoral forever living Akatsuki member. "Some people are just that evil to kill with no reason. Somebody has to stop them."

"Children.. Shino? Twelve-foutreen year old children?" You replied back. "It's not right. And you and I both know that."

Shino fell silent, your words echoed through his mind. You were right. But..why did he feel a need to defend his home in a way? Ever since they werew children, it was ingrained into their minds how great the village is and how cool it is to be a ninja. To always fight for your village. Could it be possible he's brainwashed into the idea of how great his village is?

You pushed yourself off of the tree and moved closer to him. "Shino..." You put your hand on the right side of his face. He automatically leaned into your soft touch.

"Not all ninjas become rogue because hatred, past tragedy, or revenge. Sometimes... they want better. A better way of living."


With your faced just inches apart, you asked him, "Will you come with me?"

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