headcanon (Shino)

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Most people think that Shino is this boring insect controlling ninja ,but not you. In fact, he's actually pretty funny...just not intentionally.

It's the little things that crack you up about him. For example: Kiba could be talking on and on and then all of a sudden, Shino would come with a snide remark which would turn into a full fledged (one-sided) argument for an hour or so. With his monotone voice blended with Kiba's loudness and frustration, it makes comedy for you.

It's not just his voice but his facial expressions as well. Again, mostly with Kiba , sometimes Lee ,and especially with Naruto. Whenever they say something stupid, he just stares at them and then looks at you like this is the office.

Everytime you remind him on how funny he actually is, he doesn't believe you. He just doesn't see what you see, always asking is your brain working okay when you laugh at him. It's ok though. It's one of the things you love about this guy. Plus, he'll learn one day how hilarious he is.

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