Swordplay (Suigestu)

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The sound of swords clashing together could be heard throughout the forest.

You were a traveling swordswoman from Nepal, a landlocked country in South Asia. At a young age, you've been imfactuated with the different styles of swordplay and the culture that comes with it. It's been your dream to travel all across the world learning the different fighting styles and mastering them all ; what better way to start by traveling to the Eastern hemisphere? Countries full of diverse techniques.

You were currently engaged in battle with a friend you met a while back.

First, you were just passing through the forest and the next thing you know, you're being attacked by this white haired, shark teeth of a man with a huge buster sword.

"Call this is quick lesson before you go!" Sneered the strange man.

"Sneak attacks? Is that how you fight?" You said. You pushed back your cape behind you and repositioned your sword. He readjusted as well and smirked.

"Gotta be ready for anything..."

He was the first to charge as you stood in place waiting for the perfect opportunity.

'hold.... Got em!'

You blocked his ariel attack with your double edge katana and attempted to kick him in the guy. Of course, it was a clone which melted into water.

"Damnit." You mumbled.

"Damnit indeed." Suigestu whispered behind you. He swung his buster sword but you quickly moved out of the way.

"Nice clone usage. But that's not about to work on me!" You charged at him at with a fake out attack.

"I don't think so!" He shouted as he held his sword up to block.

"Wrong move!" You said and swiftly elbowed him in the stomach and tripped him up. He fell on the grown looking up at the blade just inches away from the his neck.

You crouched down close to his face and smirked. "I win." His face has a mixture of surprise and respect.

"I guess so."

You removed the blade from his neck and backed up and helped him up.

"Thanks." He puts his buster sword back in it's strap. "I guess that the end of it. Are you sure you don't want to stay?"

You used your cape as a means to while the sweat from your S/C and smiled. "I would like to but I have to keep moving. I can't just stay complacent when there's so many more styles of swordplay out there. I just started about six years ago, why stop now?"

"I see..." You noted the hint of sad was in his voice.



"You could...come with me? I mean you're already doing that so..." You explained. You'd been wanting to ask this question for a few days now and with only one day left, now seemed like a perfect time.

"Y/n I.... I would but you know what I have to do here. Just like how you want to master all the fighting styles, I want to gather all of the Seven Ninja Swordmen of the Mist so I can rebuild the group. And just like you, I just started on my journey. I need to stay here you to do that."

"I understand." You should him sweet smile. "I might be leaving soon but I promise you, I will come back."

Suigestu smirked. "Will you now? I'll definitely be looking forward to it."

"Wait for me." You said before you put your sword away and began on your journey once again.


Should I rewrite this to become more angst?

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