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Evette stood quietly as she looked out over the battlement of Tigerstar

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Evette stood quietly as she looked out over the battlement of Tigerstar. The castle she had called her home for over seventeen years. The midsummer air smelled of pine and humid sweat as she inhaled through her petite nose.

On the other side of the closed cypress drawbridge, her eyes settled on the dark sand. It was the same auburn red that she had remembered. The color being similar to her messily braided hair that flowed down past her waist.

The castle of Tigerstar was a sight that Evette had gotten used to seeing. It was old, drab, and utterly boring. Or at least, that was what she thought. The muddy water that filled the deep moat surrounding the castle hadn't been drained in ages. In fact, she couldn't recall when the water was crystal clear and free of floating leaves.

Evette did not well remember the war many years ago between Tigerstar elves and men from Drogen. She recalled being taken down to the lowest part of the keep by her mother. She had hidden with her mother, Topaz, until the air of war had passed over Tigerstar. The cold, suffocating air of death and destruction.

Evette could still remember the tears falling from her father's eyes as she watched him mourn over his fallen soldiers after the war. Their stiffened armored bodies lying in piles as the frost of winter set in freezing their angelic elven eyes and ears. The eery, distraught scream of a woman in the distance crying over her young son that was there one day, and gone the next. Another soldier gone; another elven life lost from the fire and wrath of men.

Vengeance grew in the hearts of those who lost loved ones that horrid day. Elves hated humans more than they had ever before, and they wanted revenge.

Many years passed, and elves who never forgave had started to dwell in the darkness they had created for themselves. They longed to see humans once more, just so they could light them on fire and chop them into pieces.
They wished to watch humans endure the pain that had once been inflicted on the elven people. To cut out their tongues and take away their voices, their words, and their pride.

Evette saw the hearts of the vengeful grow hard and crumble into a thousand pieces. She too felt her heart starting to become as hard as stone, for she also lost someone she loved dearly the day of the war. Her half brother, Argyle.

Argyle was the eldest son of Arwin, the King of Tigerstar and the father of five children, four of pure blood and one an illegitimate daughter.

Although he was the eldest, Argyle had always been the kindest and most genuine elf out of all of Evette's half siblings. He never once made Evette feel like an outsider or a disgrace to the family. He made her feel safe and unashamed of who she was. She was the girl who would now and always be known as the accidental aftermath of her father's secret love affair.

Whenever Evette remembered her loving half brother, she felt a bittersweet tang of vengeance and sadness arise in the pit of her stomach. She remembered seeing his lifeless body laying on the snow covered ground when she was just a girl, his dark auburn hair sticking to the fresh battle wounds on his pale forehead and face. Death by an arrow wound it looked like. The feathered arrow's sharp tip had pierced his heart, and he fell lifelessly to the ground on impact.

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