Chapter Twenty Two: Of Shadow And Death

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Bolts of lightning rumbled and crashed in the sky

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Bolts of lightning rumbled and crashed in the sky. The clouds were different shades of violet, streaked with dark gray across the night. Evette looked up, her vision blurring as the rain mercilessly fell, forcing her to blink rapidly.

It was not a dream, or a vision. It was something much more. She was immersed; utterly overtaken by the view of the lightless yonder hung high above her head. The sky was a place so dark and so lonely that it brought tears to her sensitive eyes. She balled her fists, but she did not sit up from where she laid on the dirty, blood soaked ground. The choice was hers— she could move, and she could free herself from the sticky mud that pressed uncomfortably at her back—but she chose to remain still.

She was trapped inside the darkest part of her mind. The part that was gloomy, and frightening, and crawling with evil that even she did not know existed. It was the only place where Eve felt that she belonged. No one had told her how she was indeed her own worst enemy. It was not the ground that kept her frozen in place, it was her own degrading conscience that weighed her down. There was, and had always been, a fire inside her soul, blooming with hope and possibilities. The flame still flickered there deep inside, and no matter how strong the wind may have been, it was not extinguished.

Evette's clothes were soaked from the cold rain, and she shivered when a flake of snow gently touched her cheek as it fell. The rain turned to snow momentarily, and she was grateful to finally be able to blink away all of the droplets of water that had fallen.

She had touched darkness time and time again; it seemed inescapable in recent moments. Evette had always felt the painful, throbbing anger in the presence of shadow that made her feel wronged in the most vile of ways. The darkness that now felt ever-consuming did not make her want to roar with anger, it instead saddened her beyond all words. It was the sorrow; the tears, and the type of pain that made one want to curl into a ball and slowly fade away. That merciless sorrow could not be duplicated. It was one of a kind; rarer than any polished stone.

Unrivaled and unbidden, more violet lightning enveloped the sky, its deep rumble echoing in Evette's ears. She winced, unarmed and afraid. No weapon could shield her from the colorful, godly bolts of energy. It quickly became her favorite sound. It was exhilarating to witness such power engulf the heavens.

The lightening grew brighter, slowly thundering closer and closer as it advanced. Evette was blissfully entranced, but she had never in her life felt so terrified and vulnerable. She was no match for such horrific beauty.

The thick clouds parted, pitch black darkness peeking through. The clouds swirled and shifted until they were spinning in quick circles, spreading wide enough to reveal more of the sky. The sight took her to a fragile nirvana, a place where she momentarily started to forget about all of her earthly troubles.

A deafening screech sounded from somewhere behind the clouds. A menacing creature swept across the hidden sky. The heavy flap of its unseen wings struck fear in Evette's heart as it zipped through the air, hidden away behind the puffs of smokey gray clouds.

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