Chapter Twenty: Of Honesty And Transformation

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White roses in winter were what Evette pictured when she looked upon their faces

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White roses in winter were what Evette pictured when she looked upon their faces. They were so pale, that she was concerned their blood had been fully drained from their bodies. Their eyes were shut tight. Some laid dead, while others were very much alive. She could not count them all, as there were so very many. As she stepped over them, she was careful to not wake the ones who were still breathing.

She was nervous, and she crept down the corridor like a quiet ghost. She glanced back, and watched as Collin shakily stood, ignoring his niece when she reminded him that he needed to rest and regain his strength. He walked forward, slowly weaving through the breathing obstacles in his way.

"Jamie!" Collin called, his voice echoing through the tunnels. Evette braced herself for another confusing introduction, but one did not come. When a young boy shuffled down the dark corridor, he approached the man who called to him and didn't bother to look at Eve.

"Take this man to his own quarters. Tend to his wounds, and alert me if he wakes." Collin pointed to Narcisse, his arm raised just slightly. Evette glanced toward the boy who was quick to listen, taking in his appearance. Lively brown eyes and short brown hair were his defining features, as were his pointed ears. Eve had not noticed it before, but Collin's ears were also pointed, as were Jade's.

"I can carry him." Evette offered just as she watched the boy effortlessly pick Narcisse up, one of his arms curling under his legs, and the other hooked at his back.

Collin and the boy both turned to Eve, their eyes shooting daggers through her. She was surprised; suddenly taken aback. She met his gaze, examining the streaks of crimson tears that stained his young cheeks. His brown bloodshot eyes looked just like Collin's, and when she saw them flash blue, hers instinctively glowed orange, as if it were some sort of silent acknowledgment. A challenge to see who held the stronger magic.

"Leave her." Collin ordered, and the boy carried Narcisse away without a single word. Evette took a step, but she was stopped by the man who gave the very order. His hand clamped down on her forearm in the same place Narcisse had when he tried to steady himself during their last quarrel, which only fueled her concern further. She was reminded of his words, and the look he held when he glanced up at her, eyes bright from the firelight that reflected in his wide eyes. She was confused and concerned as to why she found them to be so alluring, their color a plain brown. She kept telling herself that it was wrong to think of Narcisse in the way she had; that the strange attraction was an illusion, as was the intense feeling she felt toward the blue-eyed spirit who haunted her. She had to shake her head to get herself to wake from the sleepy thoughts that made her eyelids heavy, and her knees weak.

"Hey," Collin shook her gently, and when she finally snapped back, he leaned close. "Jamie will take care of your friend." His words were hard for Evette to believe, especially when his eyes were bleeding red tears, and two sharp fangs peeked out from his gums. He was still in partial transition from wolf to human.

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