Chapter Six: Of Trust And Promises

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"How did you do that?!" Noel yelled

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"How did you do that?!" Noel yelled. His brown stallion galloped beside Evette's horse gracefully.

Evette shrugged, she didn't exactly do anything. Farrah was the one who jumped over the man in the road at the last moment. She was lucky. . . executing a deserving queen was one thing, but trampling an innocent protesting elf was another. Eve was glad that she didn't cause any harm to the man.

The green fields outside the town in Tigerstar were tall. They spanned for many miles. Crops of all different fruits, vegetables, and exotic plants were grown by the experienced farmers that worked long hours. They planted in mid spring and waited until late summer to harvest. Evette could see a few elven farmers harvesting crops in the fields as she passed by. The fall months were coming soon. 

Evette and Noel passed streams and previously harvested fields. They caught up with Narcisse, his men, and the decorated wagon that the girls traveled in. They were far away from the castle now, and were close to being outside the elf king's jurisdiction.

Narcisse stopped when he watched the two elves approach the company on horseback. Everyone paused.

"I noticed we were one elf short." Narcisse said, glancing at Noel skeptically.

"There was some. . . business I had to attend to." Noel lied as he stole a glance at Evette. Her expression did not give anything away.

Narcisse ignored Noel. He knew something was amiss. The blood that covered Evette's white horse was enough to raise suspicion in his mind.

"You shouldn't have ridden out this far princess. These are dangerous times." Narcisse warned Eve.

Evette dug into her pocket with her good hand, and pulled out the small bag of gold. She quickly opened the bag and took out a few pieces before putting them in her pocket. She cinched up the velvet pouch and suddenly threw it in Narcisse's direction.

"Lady Quill won't be able to travel with the company, but I will." She said as Narcisse caught the bag of gold. He took a gander at the contents.

"You're bribing me, although, I have no clue as to what I'm supposed to forget." Narcisse's expression was serious.

"Let me travel with you, and take on Lady Quill's name. I'd like to see Drogen without being put in danger. As long as you and your men don't reveal my true identity, there won't be any issues." Evette said sternly.

Narcisse looked surprised, and a mysterious smirk formed on his lips. He ran a hand through his short, dark locks of hair before replying.

"You expect me to share this with them?" Narcisse laughed as he motioned to the two other human men who listened to the conversation quietly.

"Yes, I do." Evette knew that she did not have much gold saved, but she prayed that it was enough to bargain.

"Give me the rest of the gold." Narcisse practically slid off of the back of his tall horse. He stood on his own two feet now, and stepped toward Farrah. He held out his hand.

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