29: Marking

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My eyes widen at the beautiful venue. It was a green house type set up. Plants hung from the ceiling and a water fountain in the middle of the venue separated it into little sections with a river flowing through. Small bridges connected the land in which people sat at these little islands. The venue was also covered in flowers and smelled wonderful. Fairy lights streamed around the hung plants and to a grand chandelier in the middle in which hung over the raised platform. On this raised platform had stairs leading up to the thrones and had flower beds at the base. It too was separated like and island with a bridge to it. The railings on the stairs and platform had flowers weaved around it and lights.

"It's beautiful," I gasped.

Maxwell smiles, "thank you."

I roll my eyes. "Patting yourself on the back, aren't you?"

He nods. "That I am."

I laugh and we proceed into the venue where it was very lively with guests already chatting. It got quiet once we entered and many stared. Whispering arose and I got nervous.

"They are talking about you in a good way. No need to worry," Max whispers. "In fact they are proud to have you as their Luna and Queen."

I nod and swallow my nerves.

A lot of powerful Alpha's showed up as well. One being Max's cousin Alpha Julian and his newly found mate Molly. Even the Moon Goddess's daughter showed up with her mate, the Death Alpha. I mean I don't know why I was shocked, those two sit on his council. It was just a shock to see them in person again and for such an event.

Walking towards the platform on one island close by was my family and on the opposite was Max's family. It was odd only seeing his parents and grandparents. Does he not have any siblings? That would make sense why he never brought any up. Heading up before us was Max's dad who would be leading the ceremonies.

"My son, King Maxwell is here today to claim his mate in the marking and Luna and Queen coronation ceremonies," he bellows. "Natalie has shown a great amount of leadership and willingness to protect the pack. Which is why we are here today to acknowledge such courage and finally identify her as our Luna and Queen."

We proceed up the stairs and stand facing one another. I take in a sharp inhale feeling how sharp our sparks where becoming when we touched. Max only smirks and rubs my hands again.

"Today we are joining these two in completing the mate bond. By doing so they'll be stronger and not be able to break it after this. By doing this we will not only welcome a new couple but a Luna and a Queen. The pack will be stronger as we will be complete," he continues to ramble on.

"The mark of a mate signifies the completion of such and the love these two soulmates. These two soulmates paired by the Moon Goddess also signifying a successful pairing."

"I now hand this off to the Luna Adrianna, the Moon Princess."

My eyes widen. Is she really going to finish this marking ceremony?

Adrianna smiles as she stands and smooths down her dress and walks up to us. The Death Alpha giving her a thumbs up in which she laughs and rolls her eyes at him. She bows her head to us and smiles.

"Wow, I was not expecting to finish this ceremony, but I am honored to do so as this is my mother's work. Seeing the happiness of these two mates shows what my mother is doing is working. By bringing werewolves together, assuring our race to continue on for many more centuries."

"Today I am honored to bring these two together and rush in a new era with Natalie as our Queen. Your majesty, you may start when you are ready."

Max takes in deep breath before closing his eyes. "Oof, as King you aren't at a loss of words, but when I saw you I was at loss of words. They say it happens at the wrong time, in which it did. I was at breakfast with my parents, awkward."

The Alpha's To Mark✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن