15: Disagreement

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|Alpha Maxwell|

In all honesty I thought what I was doing was good. I thought Natalie would be proud of me and happy I was going to destroy her ex. I'm excited to destroy him for the pain he put her through and breaking the oath. I'm going to take great pride in it.

The following morning the place was buzzing with life. The maids rushing around the make final preparations and moving in Natalie. Yeah, she is still upset with me, but I can't help but be around her all the time.

I stumbled into the kitchen where I found her preparing herself breakfast. Sneaking up behind her I grip her hips and drop my head into the nape of her neck. She didn't even look up from the skillet.

"Good morning, my Queen," I whisper.

"Morning," she snaps.

"Ah, babe, you can't still be mad at me? I'm doing this for us," I tell and scrape my canines along her neck.

She wipes around, her pony tail smacking my face. "Put those canines away," she barks with glowing eyes.

My shoulders slump. "If I knew how much you didn't want me to do this, I would've denied it. I don't want this to tear up our relationship."

Her eyes soften now and go back to normal. "I don't want it too either. I'm just upset you acted so quickly without consulting the council or I."

"Well we know how they would've answered, but your answer is much more valuable than there's."

She grins. "I am aware."

I shift my attention to the food on the stove. "What are you making?"

"Breakfast," she tells in a duh tone and rolls her eyes. "And you get none." And taps my nose.

I pretend to be hurt which earns a giggle from my little mate. Following her like a lost puppy to the dining room table, I take my seat next to her. She eats in silence and steals a few glances at me before clearing her throat.

"I'm still mad at you," she finally says.

"I know," I mumble.

"I mean what were you thinking! I understand you are King Alpha and need to establish that and keep the population in line, but this is Desmond. He is dangerous and sneaky and conniving!"

"And he isn't going to hurt me. As I grow stronger, he grows weaker wasting away in that cell."

She shakes her head. "You don't know him like I do. He's going to try something, he always has a trick or two up his sleeve."

"So I'll dodge his tricks."

She shakes her head. "I'm rooting for you, but you won't know what you'll need to be dodging."

I rest my hand on hers. "I'll tell you what. I'll wait. I'll wait till we mark and mate. Okay? I'll wait till all the ceremonies are over and after the honeymoon period. Okay?"

She shoots me a glare. "Seriously? After all those ceremonies of getting closer and pronouncing our love? Then I'll definitely be mad if something happens to you. Newly marked and mated female."

Ah, nothing I can do satisfies this girl. I could see a wildfire blazing in her beautiful eyes as she burned holes into me. I am doing this for her protection and my packs. Can you imagine what would happen if he becomes King? This gives my pack a chance of not falling under his control. If Natalie is marked and mated she is Luna. An Alpha female can run a pack without an Alpha male, but also there is chance she could have an heir at that time. He can't remove her no matter what. It's law of the land to honor and allow a widowed Luna to continue rule her late mate's pack.

If he becomes King the whole population will be screwed and fall into chaos. There will be no order and we'll return to our savage urges, like our ancestors. Which is not a way to live and he'll be known as the man who caused all of this.

I shrug at my mate. "If you are with child he can't take over. It's law to honor a widowed Luna to continue to run her late husband's pack till their child is old enough."

She raises a brow. "You truly are sneaky, Alpha King Maxwell."

I chuckle. "That I am," I tell and kiss her forehead.

Whatever to save the werewolf community, I can't control it if I die, but I can prevent something.

"Why are you staring at me," Natalie barks.

"Just thinking."


"I guess of our future."

"Are you scared of what it holds?"

I nod. "I am. I am scared of what my happen if I die in that challenge. What if I have a pup but I am not around to get to know them, see them grow. They won't know their father."

She lays her hands on top of mine. "Think positive, my love. You are going to see your pups grow and thrive. I promise you. I'll kill Desmond if it comes to it."

I smirk. "That's my girl."

"I would gladly be the one to end his life, you don't know the joy and honor it'll bring."

Once again I shake my head in amusement at this sudden boldness and fiery personality. Truly this was a perfect pairing and I couldn't wait till she was fully mine.


Ahh! Sorry about this long wait, but it's finally here! The long awaited update has finally been finished. I am so sorry and thank you for the patience.

In these past months I've had a lot happen. One being a very personal matter and planning for my senior trip to Walt Disney World.

I'm going to try and get another update out before I go on my trip.

Have a wonderful week!

~Becca, The Queen of Beans

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