33: Morning Festivities

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After beating the shit out of that pathetic excuse of a werewolf I returned home. On my way home I saw pack members setting up for the morning after festivities. A big breakfast will take place where the entire pack is invited. It will their first time seeing us emerge as King and Queen, Alpha and Luna, and a fully mated pair.

This event is a big deal to the pack, as it verifies the process has been completed and they now have their Alpha Female. It also shows alliances and even enemies we are a complete pack and much more powerful than ever. You see when a pack finds their Luna they become powerful. There are higher birthrates, stronger warriors are produced, and all around the pack becomes stronger. You can tell by how everyone interacts and how hard the train and their performance on the battlefield improves. That is all it takes for a pack to become successful is for the Alpha to find his mate and complete to process. Which has been completed.

I head back to my house noticing spring is on its way here, mating season is upon us. I hope for a successful season as we now have a Luna to make it so. When an Alpha female becomes impregnated it is very likely the other mated pack females will too. As the Luna is fertile and the rest of the pack will catch on and feel this bond with their Luna. Their bodies will respond to her becoming pregnant and it will increase their chances just by being around her.

I mean I think that is how it works, my mother did not take a lot of time to explain it to me when I was younger. I am just assuming that is how it works. The Luna falls pregnant during mating season which equals the rest of the mated females to follow.

When I reach our bedroom Natalie is fast asleep again, Goddess was I really gone that long? No, I couldn't have been. She probably still exhausted from last night.

"Hey, my love," I whisper. "It is time to get up and get ready for the celebration." I shake her lightly.

Natalie groans and covers her eyes with her arm and grumbles, "I thought we completed the last ceremony."

I laugh. "We did, but this is like an after party. A breakfast in your honor and of us completing the process."

"You lied to me, I thought we were done with these things."

"No, I did not lie to you. You just didn't want to listen, now get up and get in the shower."

"No, you go first and wake me up when you get out."

"No can do, you take longer to get ready."

She pouts and rolls over on her stomach with her face into her pillow. Noticing the time, I simply pick her up and bring her into the bathroom, ignoring her protests. I set her on the bathroom sink and leave allowing her time to get ready.

Once we are both ready and got some caffeine into our systems we go to the outdoor venue the pack set up the breakfast at. They set it up in a very large wooden pavilion with lights hanging in the rafters. The picnic tables were set with table cloths, fancy centerpieces, and fancy table settings. At the one side was the buffet and at the front was where we'd be sitting and the other high ranking members of the pack.

"It is beautiful," Natalie mumbles, playing with the hem of her dress.

Noticing the nerves still haven't left, I slowly remove her hand kissing the back of it and take it into my own.

"You are going to be fine, my love. There is no need to be nervous, since the pack loves you," I tell.

She bites her lip and nods.

Even after showing she is powerful and capable of being the packs Alpha Female she is still doubting her capability to do. She is doubting she won't be what the pack needs and just get in the way. Which is not true as she defended the pack and killed Desmond's mate with no hesitation. Defending and protecting the pack is all they needed to see for them to know she is perfect for the position. Willingly to lay down her life in effort to protect them.

"They are here," squeals a pack member.

I smirk. "Good morning, my pack," I howl. "You have your Alpha Female."

The whole venue goes crazy with howls, congratulations, and applauses. I guide Natalie through the crowd and to our seats where the council awaits our arrival.

"We must confirm this," one states in which Natalie's face burns up.

Her face reddens even more when her father steps up and smells her, he smiles. "She is fully mated."

I do have admit that must be very uncomfortable for the both of them, but he must be proud that is daughter is the Queen. After a little bit of conserving we are called to gather our breakfast. The buffet had everything from build your own crepe to somethings on the more simple side like bacon.

During the breakfast Natalie and myself would be presented with gifts and we will also present each other with one. While mine was waiting for the signal to be brought in, I do not know what Natalie had in store for me. She seems to like keeping things a secret and low key.

"What did you get me," I tease.

"It is a secret," she responds in the same playful tone. "What did you get me?"

"It is a secret."

"I see."

After council members, family, friends, and other foreign Alpha's presented their gifts, it was our turn to exchange gifts between ourselves. Usually the Alpha and Luna only exchange gifts, but considering our status everyone does however they are not required.

"I'll go first," I tell and order the gift to be brought forward.

Ryder nods and grabs the gift from under his feet and hands off the semi-large trunk to me. I open it and unveil the tiara to my Queen. Every werewolf Queen has their own signature crown, but every queen is coronated with the Queen's crown before them.

Each one was unique to that Queen and Natalie's definitely was. I had it crafted with past Queen's crowns in mind and to help inspire some features. The crown had to be gold as silver hurt werewolves, yes it even hurts royal. We are not Gods or Goddess like Adrienne and Octavius after all.

Natalie looks at the crown in awe and adoration, until she notices a smaller box in the corner of the crown box.

"What is in there," she asks.

I smile brightly. "I am glad you asked."

Opening the top of the box a ring that resembles the crown sat in its velvet bed.

"Well, now I feel like you've out done yourself."

I shake my head. "No, all Queens' have rings that match their signature crown. Think of it as your Queen's ring like my King's ring."

She chuckles nervously before grabbing her gift from under her chair. She hands me the bag which was a little heavy for a small bag. Sifting through the tissue paper I find a wooden box at the bottom. Opening it I see a watch sitting there, a quite expensive one may I add.

"Your mom helped me pick it out."

"It is amazing," I tell as I take it out and replace my current one with it.

"Wait!" She stops me before I finish putting it on.


"There is a message on the back!"

Engraved on the back was the date we met and yesterday's date with a little heart in the middle. In little writing under it, it states Love Conquers All.

The Alpha's To Mark✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang