39: Execution

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***Warning, Violence***

Morning came and I was woken up before the crack of dawn to get prepared for today's events. I was told the stadium was already being packed and reporters were filing in. We allow reporters from other packs in so they may broadcast this, but they were only allowed here. They could not leave.

As we spoke the prisoners were being given their last meals and the posts were being put into the ground. I was the one to execute Desmond and I offered Alpha Octavius to execute the assassin. This is obviously a repayment for what they did a few weeks ago when the challenge took place. I plan to further our relationship once Max wakes up. But this would do for now. He gladly accepted my invitation and I was waiting on his arrival as well.

As it was still a period of grief, even though he was not dead, I was dressed in black garments. A knee long black dress with long sleeves that went to my wrists. My hair was left in its curly state, but a crown now sat on my head as did some of the family jewels. My makeup was dark to match my outfit and I wore heels as well.

"My Queen, what will your weapon of choice be," Ryder asks.

I search my head, contemplating what I should use, too many choices.

"I had our weaponry manger open the vault and bring Alpha Octavius and yourself some of the best to choose from."

What a relief, I had no idea what to use.

"Thank you, Ryder."

"You're welcome, also the Death Alpha and Luna have arrived. The Death Luna brings important and urgent information. It is about Max."

"Well, bring her up! If it concerns the King that should've been the first thing you informed me about!"

"Yes, of course."

I hated being mean to Ryder as he has been helpful these past few weeks with running that pack and teaching me about the culture. I surely had not had a clue about what was offensive and not, sure I spent my adulthood in this pack. I never interacted with anyone outside of campus, only my roommate. This was a big step.

"My Queen," Adrianna says and pokes her head in.

"Goddess," I respond.

"Please, Luna Adrianna will do. I am not the Goddess yet, that is my mother," she teases. "But all jokes aside, I have news regarding Max."

"Has he awoken?"

"Not quite, this is in regards to that. You see Max may be in a vegetative state his whole life. Yes, he'll wake up as the doctors are saying, but they don't know the state he'll be in. All they know is that he'll wake up."

"What do you mean! They said he was stable!"

My heart broke.

"Calm down, stable doesn't mean he'll wake up or be the same male you knew before the challenge. Lucky for you there is something I can provide that'll help. Well, I do not practice this, but members in my pack do."

"What is it? I will do anything to save him."

"I know you will. Blood magic will save him and no you do not have to sacrifice your child. Only the ones who put him in that state will be sacrificed. The blood must be fresh for it to work though."

I gulp. "So, how will we do this? The execution will still go as planned but what about Max? The hospital will not allow him to leave on a possible treatment."

"It is not a possible treatment, it is the treatment. I have seen this magic work with my own eyes. The dark side of the realm works in mysterious ways, darling. I can tell you that and it has changed me."

"Okay, but how will we convince the doctors to let us take him?"

"There is a medical ward in the stadium, is there not?"

I nod. "There is."

"Good, lucky for you, I brought someone who can preform it."

Oh, Adrianna.


The sky above was a beautiful blue, purple, and pink. Sunrise was nearing, I could tell since the moon was fading into the blue backdrop of the sky. The crowd was silent as Octavius and I stepped out. Not a breath could be heard as everyone was holding them.

Dramatic, was an understatement. The walk to the center was long and obvious overly dramatic. The criminals will be punished for their crimes, it was time to pay and take responsibility for treason against the royal family. Not only did they try to kill a King, but an Alpha.

Desmond and the Assassin that remains nameless were sat on their knees and chained to a wooden peg in the ground. The assassin refused to give us his name, but a quick DNA test will tell us who he is. No biggie.

Their heads hung, bloody and beat. Shame and dread only appeared in one set of eyes and that was the assassins. He was not afraid of death, but that the he was unsuccessful in his assignment.

"My Queen," Desmond says in a cocky tone.

I roll my eyes before standing between them and turning to the crowd. "Good morning, my pack, my family. Today you will witness at sunrise the execution of these two criminals for the attempted murder of King Maxwell, Alpha of the Royal Crested pack. Such an attempt will not and never will be taken lightly. Today these two men will not face my mercy, but hope they face the mercy of the Moon Goddess. Today you witness this and hopefully it prevents other attacks," I breath. "All criminals who attempt this same crime will face the same fate, death by execution preformed by the Queen and the Death Alpha. The last faces they will see."

My weapon of choice is handed to me. A dainty little blade, but a sharp one. I look over to the Death Alpha and his weapon of choice, his claws.

Silence was once again in the stadium as the first ray of sunrise could be seen.

"Any last words," Octavius laughs.

They both sit paralyzed in fear, I kneel down to eye level with Desmond. "Who is the dominant one now? Say hi to your mate for me?"

Before he can breath a word my blade cuts his throat like butter. His eyes lose their light and go dull from the life being taken out of them. Blood pour down his body like a waterfall. Yet, we had no time to admire our work, we had to run back to the medical ward in the stadium with the blood.


Good evening! I meant to post on the weekend but something came up! In other news I got my vaccine today! My arm is a little sore, oof. Anyways Monday starts my public speaking class and I am not happy about it.

In book news, I have a name for their son's book and a chapter and half written for it! That should be posted soon! I'll post an announcement when it is available!

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful weekend!

~Becca, The Queen of Beans

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