19: Training

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"You can do better than that," my Beta spits as he dodges my strike.

I groan in annoyance and try again only to be knocked on my ass.

"You want to see your mate again? Mate with her? Have pups? Well that will all be lost if you can't land a single strike. You'll be dead within minutes in that arena!"

My gaze sharpens at his words. I've been training since sunrise and my body is sore. I just want to lay down with Natalie in my arms, knowing she is safe.

"Watch your tongue, Ryder. You may be my Beta and best friend but I am still your King."

He rolls his eyes. "Not for much longer if you keep this pathetic fight up."

I charge at him and land a solid blow to his stomach, he doubles over and holds his stomach and smiles wickedly.

"Now that what I'm talking about. Focus all that hate and anger on Desmond when you are in the arena. You'll preform better if you are focused on your opponent and all the wrongs he has done to Natalie and yourself. You want make Natalie proud, right?"

My eyes glow. "Of fucking course I do! She is already mad that I accepted so obviously I want to make her proud and destroy the man who has hurt her so."

"Good, remember that. If you have a plan set in place and actually go through with it, you are more likely to succeed than go in without a plan and clueless."

Taken off guard he lands a strike on me, taking my legs out from under me.

"How is that your mate is training and isn't going into battle and is still doing better than you," he teases.

"Because she has nothing to lose and isn't training hours on end," I bark back.

True I am an Alpha and stronger than all, but endless training hours can take a toll on ones body. Your body becomes weak, exhausted, and sore which isn't good for when you are trying to improve your fighting ethnic. Yet, this is a normal practice in my pack and all around the world for when an alpha or Luna is training for a challenge. As for Natalie they are just training her so she can hold her ground as Luna. This training isn't necessary but it is resourceful for her if she becomes a widow.

This is also readying her body for my challenge so she can take on my pain. You see the Luna has a choice of taking silver or wolves bain so she doesn't feel my pain, this is common. Yet, some Luna's decide to sit and feel what their mate is taking on. Some choose the pain over no pain. Some believe that Luna's take on the pain so they know what their mate is up against and can communicate with the alpha while they are in the arena.

Knowing her she'll not take the silver, but I wish she would. I don't want her to go through that pain just to help me win against Desmond.

"Do you want to take a break," Ryder asks.

"Please," I breath.

Sitting under a tree and going through the cooler Natalie packed me for lunch I find a sandwich. I pass one to Ryder and we watch the females train. Ryder's mate, Thea fighting one on one with Natalie.

I watch Natalie closely she truly is skilled in hand to hand combat. Her dark hair was up in a fishtail braid, she was barefoot, in leggings and a sports bra. Luckily this was normal attire for females to train in, so she didn't stand out and draw attention.

"She's pretty good," Ryder comments. "She should be the one taking on the challenge and not you," he teases.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever."

"I'm only teasing, lighten up. You do got yourself a tough one. She isn't a quitter."

I nod. "Which is why she is going to make a great Queen."


As the sun hangs high in the sky Natalie and Thea join us for their late lunch.

"Did you eat my sandwich," Natalie barks.

I shrug. "I didn't know you made a sandwich specially for yourself. I grabbed whatever seemed to satisfy me at that point in time. I'm a big boy and a big boy has to eat."

She rolls her eyes and grabs a BLT. "I can't believe you ate my Panini."

Ryder looks at her and quickly looks away. "Ryder," she snaps. "Did you eat it."

In which he responds with a worry look in his eyes and bites his lip. "Maybe."

"Oh, I'm so going to kill you."

I let out a laugh when I watch my Luna tackle our Beta. Thea just sat back and enjoyed the show.

"You know, I've been wanting to do that for a while," Thea tells.

It's good to know though my mate has a little bit of a playful side to her and doesn't get genuinely mad at the little things.


Update! Yay! Oof, it's been a tough few weeks. My little old man bear (my guinea pig) bruised his front paw. It healed and when we took him to the vet for a follow up was found with a abscess. He's not enjoying the medicine (lol).

Anyways, I turn eighteen on June 4th so that's exciting. Never in a million years did I think I'd be spending it in quarantine. I'm going to try and get another update out for my birthday though!

Please stay safe and have a wonderful weekend!

-Becca, The Queen Of Beans

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