17| Suffocating

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Chapter 17: Suffocating (Venus's POV)


He turned to me, leaving his conversation with Prince Alexander's wife. "Yes, dear?" 

"Can I please go home?" I asked, clearing my throat. 

"Is something wrong?" He arched a brow at me, referring to Caden. 

"No, no, no," I shook my head quickly, glancing at the princess. 

She watched me cautiously, her eyes narrowing a little. 

Isn't she a... 

"I just... my stomach is hurting quite a bit. It might be the food I had earlier, I thought I could call it a night, take some painkillers, and just go to sleep," I shrugged. 

"Oh, that's all right. But dear, who will drive you home? Our car is parked out, we didn't bring a driver tonight," he sighed. 

"We'll drive her." 

My eyes snapped to her. 

"We're heading out soon anyhow, we can drop her," she smiled. 

"Thank you," I said, letting out a sigh of relief. 

"Are you sure? I would hate to bother you," my dad replied. 

"Mr. Princeton, my husband just spoke with you and we just wrapped up the deal for Azura and its shops. Why the formalities? She seems exhausted, we'll drop her off, it's not a problem," she smiled. "Shall we?" She arched a brow at me. 

"Thank you," I smiled, walking beside her as we made our way to her husband. While walking, I could feel her eyes on me. 

"Venus, right?" 

I nodded. 

"So, Venus. Who is the boy?" 

I nearly tripped over my dress. "S-sorry, what?" I stammered.

She chuckled and stopped walking. I too stopped and stood facing her. "Do you know who I am?" 

"Princess Aria," I answered. 

"And do by any chance know who I was before marrying Alexander?" 

I shook my head. 

"My maiden name is Aria Rose.

I blinked, trying to think of where I've heard that name before. I realized that when I was fourteen years old and went to Azura with my grandmother, she was being talked about. My eyes widened. "You were a thief, right?" I blurted out. 

She nodded with a smile. "And because you know that, I'm sure you can understand that I see everything," she smirked. 

"Everything?" I swallowed. 

"Who is this boy that you're sneaking off to meet?" she asked, teasing me. She seems lovely, hopefully, she doesn't tell my dad. 

"Will you believe me if I say no one?" 

She shook her head slowly. "I doubt it," she smiled. "Don't worry, I won't tell your father." 

My eyes flickered over to the right where Caden was talking to his dad. 

Her eyes followed mine and her lips formed into an amused smile. "Oh, the prince, huh?" she sang, bumping her shoulder with mine. "I thought your families didn't like each other." 

"They don't," I huffed, Caden's eyes meeting mine for a heartbeat. 

"Oh, forbidden love, is it?" 

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