19| Disguise

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Chapter 19: Disguise (Venus's POV)

"Caden!" I said through gritted teeth. "They'll be here any minute. Go!" 

"I'll go when I hear that front door open." 

"You're not Spiderman, okay? You can't be out of here and out of sight in a second. You should go now if you don't want to risk getting caught." 

"And if I do want that risk?" 

"Then you're stupid. Taking a risk doesn't always mean you're daring. Sometimes it just means you're plain stupid. Get out." I pushed him off the bed with a lot of struggle. 

He sighed in defeat and pulled his shoes on. "Meet me tomorrow morning at Hummingbird Heartbeat," he said. 

"No way! There are so many people there every single day, I can't risk it." 

"I won't be recognizable, don't worry," he said, lying down on the bed. He lay on his side and scooted closer to me. "Meet me by eleven. I have a plan." 

"What plan?" I asked, raising my brows at him. 

"Do you trust me?" 

I snorted, "No." 

He flicked my arm and then asked again. 

"I trust you." I rolled my eyes. "What is your plan?" 

"If you trust me, then show up tomorrow morning. And we'll take it from there," he answered. 

"This sounds like a trap." 

"I would love to trap you, but not like this," he smirked. 

"Bye, Caden," I sang, putting my hands on his shoulders to push him. 

He grabbed my wrists and jerked me closer. "Don't be late," he said. 

"I won't, Jesus. Now go." I pulled back, nodding at the window. 

He still didn't move. 


"Just one more minute." 

"Caden," I warned. 

"Just thirty seconds more." 

"Caden, you-" I froze, hearing the front door beep and then open from its four-digit code. 

He grinned, leaning up and pecking my lips. "See, I got what I wanted." 

"You are insane!" I whisper-yelled. 

He climbed off my bed and walked over to the window, pulling it open. He crawled through and stood on the ledge. "Come here." 

I rushed over, ready to close the window on him but he held it open with one hand. "What?" I whined.

"Come closer." 

I sighed in defeat and leaned forward. 

He grabbed a fistful of my shirt before pulling my lips down to his. He held this one out. It wasn't just a peck. "Bye," he said before letting go of the ledge and sliding down to the ground. I watched him until he was a fair distance from the house and then I closed the window and the curtains with it. 

I climbed back into bed just as there was a knock on my door. Then it slowly opened and my mother came inside. "Are you feeling any better, honey?" she asked. 

"Yeah, I had a painkiller," I lied. "I was just about to go to sleep." 

"What have you been doing?" she asked, obviously a little suspicious. 

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