36| Reported

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Chapter 36: Reported (Caden's POV)

We were sitting on the couch talking and kissing when the doorbell rang. Three times. Someone's impatient. 

"I'll get it, no worries!" Mrs. Betty called out. 

"Are you expecting someone?" I asked, removing my hand from her hair and pulling my arm away from around her. 

"No," she said, seeming pretty confused herself. She stood up and went to the door and I followed her. Bad idea. "Dad!" 

I swallowed, suddenly very nervous. I looked behind him, realizing that his car was back. Mrs. Princeton was getting out of the passenger seat. 

"Get inside. Both of you, right now," he said sternly. 

"Dad, I-" 

I looked out, spotting another car pulling up. 

Our car. From the palace. 

The car stopped right behind Mr. Princeton's and my parents stepped out. 

Oh no. 

And then the door to the backseats opened. And out came the last person I would expect. 


"Caden, get out here right now!" my dad yelled. Mr. Princeton glared at me. So did my father. My father stomped over, grabbing my arm and pulling me outside. "Get out, I said!" 

I freed myself from his grasp and stood there, staring at him eye to eye. We're not ready for this. We're not ready for people to know, for our parents to know, for their decisions, and we're not ready to let each other go either. 

"What are you doing here?" my father asked me bluntly. 

I glanced at Venus who was standing beside her dad, looking at me nervously.

"I'll answer that," my father scoffed. "You are having an affair with his daughter, aren't you?" 

An affair, really? 

I didn't answer him. 

"Well? Aren't you?" 

Venus stepped forward but her dad grabbed her wrist, pulling her back. 

"Tell me it isn't true. Tell me what this girl has reported to your mother is a lie," he said, pointing at Gianna. 

I looked at her. More like glared. She was standing there with her arms folded across her chest. 

I really should have told her crystal clear that I was done with her. 

"I don't know what she reported to you," I said, looking back at him. 

"She reported seeing you kissing Tanner's daughter during the halftime of your game on Friday in the hallways!" 

I could see Venus talking to her dad, trying to explain. He clearly wasn't having any of it. 

"Mr. Princeton, I want to talk to you," I said. 

His head snapped over, his eyes meeting mine. "Talk to me?" he scoffed. He started walking over. 

"Dad, please!" Venus yelled rushing over. 

Her father stood right in front of me, glaring at me. And I was more terrified than I've ever been in my life. "Get out of here," he said slowly, warningly. 

"Sir, please. Just five minutes?" 

"I said get out." 

"It's really important. It's not what it looks like." 

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