27| Honesty

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Chapter 27: Honesty (Venus's POV)

The whole day, I was beating myself for doing what I did. For saying what I did to Caden. I shouldn't have said that not only because it hurt his feelings but also because it was a lie. I would not leave him if he liked me. I couldn't do that. 

When the school day ended and I walked out of the building, the first thing I did was scan the parking lot for his car. But it wasn't here. I started walking home and sped it up so I could go home and call him. I rushed through the front door, heading straight for my room. 

"Vee!" I heard Clarissa call me. 

"Later, Clarissa!" I called out, opening my bedroom door. I grabbed the phone and quickly dialed the number on his personal phone but I got no answer. I huffed, dialing his house phone. 


"Mr. Hilton?" I asked. 

"Yes?" he asked, sounding confused. 

"It's Venus," I said. 

"Oh, hi dear. What can I do for you?" 

"I was actually wondering if Caden was there. He isn't answering his phone and he wasn't at school today. I mean, he was but he left," I explained. 

"Oh. Well, he hasn't come home since he left for school, sweetheart." 

"Could you please tell me when he arrives? It's really urgent, I have to speak to him," I said, tightly wrapping the cord around my finger. 

"I'll give you a call, will that do?" 

"Yes, thank you," I said before hanging up. "Shit," I mumbled, getting out of bed. I walked to my closet and grabbed a pair of pajamas, leaving them on my bed before going to the bathroom to shower and then change. I stripped out of my clothes and then hopped in the shower. 

Once I finished, I wrapped a towel around myself and then opened the bathroom door, going to grab my clothes. My eyes widened when I saw Caden pushing my window open and crawling in. 

"You should really keep that locked," he said, a little out of breath. "It was surprisingly easy to open." 

I rushed to my door and locked it shut. "What are you doing here?" I whisper-yelled. 

"I needed to get a hold of you. I tried going back to school but you were already gone when I got there. So I came here. I thought we could use a talk," he shrugged. 

"I'm so sorry," I sighed in defeat. "I shouldn't have said that this morning and I didn't mean it, Caden. If you ever... I wouldn't leave. I promise. I swear, I wouldn't have left," I rambled. 

"But you were right," he said. 

"Huh?" I asked, dumbfounded. 

"We're not allowed to like each other, obviously. So if we did, it only makes sense for the other person to leave. It's the right thing to do." 

"It is?" I asked. 

"Isn't it?" He lifted a brow at me. 

"I uh, I..." I stuttered around to find the right answer. "Would you leave if I liked you?" I asked. 

He looked me up and down. "I think you should get dressed. Or we might get off track here," he smirked. 

"Right, one sec." I grabbed my clothes and rushed back into the bathroom where I got dressed and then came back out. He was still standing there, waiting for me. "Hi," I said, straightening my tank top. 

"Hey," he nodded. 

"Right, I was asking you something. Would you leave if I liked you?" I asked again. 

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