C H A P T E R 12

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Murder is such a weird concept.

Your taking the life of someone who has a whole life of their own. You take away their goals and aspirations from them, not caring what the aftermath of your actions. You could be breaking their family apart, cause someone to take their own life, or even make someone rich.

But is it as bad as some people make it out to be?

Well murder usually comes from the psychotic and deranged. There is no treatment to psychosis, and some pain has to be released. The way they cope could be considered normal to some, but at what cost?

'I want to look away but my eyes are drawn to seeing this guy suffer.'

"Y/n?" She snapped out of her thoughts and looked toward Hoodie, eyes bloodshot and lips bleeding. Turns out she bit her lip too hard, and blood started to trickle down.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something..." Y/n mumbled. She looked to the dead body not too far in front of her. There features were distorted into an ugly, yet satisfying face. Blue, hopeful eyes, had turned dull. Their arms and legs were sticking out in ways that were definitely not humane. It was quite pitiful, really. Someone with goals and aspirations was ridden of in the blink of an eye.

"L/n, your lip is fucking bleeding." Hoodie huffed, stuffing his hands into his pockets. The girl's hand quickly flew to her lip, realizing just how much blood was dripping out. She sighed and sucked on her lip, preventing the blood from falling onto her shirt. The taller male glance at her and gave a quiet laugh.

The walk was quiet, which Hoodie wouldn't have minded if the damn girl wasn't so oblivious to her surroundings. He'd already drove her into 5 circles around the forest and she still didn't realize what was happening.

"Okay what the fuck?" Y/n's eyes quickly moved to where the male was standing. His face wasn't visible, so she had no clue what he was thinking. Fear started to bubble in her.


"I literally walked us in the same circle about 6 times now, the fuck could you be thinking about?" Y/n only blinked in his direction, before sighing and resting her hands behind her neck.

"Just a long fucking day." Hoodie nodded and started walking again, this time the right direction.

The walk back was silent, yet comfortable. If Y/n could see Hoodie's face, she could've told just how tired he was, unlike her. Spurts of energy ran through her veins and she was getting really fidgety.

'Sleep was never an option.'

"We're here." Y/n blinked rapidly and smiled.


"Can I ask you something?" Hoodie sighed and turned to her.


"Teach me how to use a gun." The girl said simply. Hoodie's eyes widened and was about to answer, but heard a car pull up to the driveway. Y/n was alarmed, and quickly grabbed Hoodie's wrist, pulling him away from the side of the house that had her window on it and to the back of the house.

"Fuck fuck fuck..." She mumbled, darting her eyes everywhere to find something, presumably a place to hide. Hoodie was still confused as to what was happening, but was amused to see what Y/n was planning on. He could have easily killed anyone who'd seen him, so he wasn't too worried.

"You can climb trees, right?"

"Of course I can." He deadpanned. Y/n didn't even respond before climbing up a really tall tree, amazing Hoodie in 20 different ways. He followed behind her, sitting on a thick branch once reaching the top.

"I never expected you to keep so many secrets." Hoodie sarcastically said, airing the tension in the air. Y/n chuckled.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, Mystery Man." Hoodie smirked at the nick name. He was sure she'd forget by that point, after all she was pretty fucking high.

"That person who just pulled up is my step-dad. He's a pretty chill guy, but if he finds out I snuck out he'll tell my mom. And ___ knows what she'll do." The female shivered at the thought, and Hoodie thought of any possible punishments that could have happened if her mother found out, based on the little information he knew of her.

"Here's what I'll do. That window over there is always open. I'll go through there, run up to my room and quickly change my shirt, than pretend I was asleep the whole time. That way when he rings the doorbell, nothing will seem suspicious."

"Yeah, that's a great idea and all, but you see you have like one minute to do all that, and you're wasting like 10 seconds sitting here. Not to mention the jump to that branch from where you are is pretty risky for the average human."

"Yeah well I was raised with one hell of a helicopter parent so I think I should be fine." She quietly got up and stretched. Hoodie was ready to see her fail in her attempt to get to the window. But, to his amusement, she had jumped just right and landed on the other branch swiftly, running to the window and opening it.

"See you tomorrow Hoods." she waved goodbye and went through the window, sparing the male a single glance as he gave her a two fingered salute. A slight smile decorated her face, but soon realized the situation she was in. She bolted up the stairs and quickly stripped off her bloody clothes, replacing them with black sweat pants and a white tank top. She ruffled her bed sheets so they seemed as if she was in bed the whole time. She put her phone on charge quickly, then started messing her hair up so it seemed as if she had bed hair. To top it, she rubbed her eyes so it looked like she were sleepy. The door bell rung and Y/n waited a minute to go get it.

"A-Adam? What are you doing?" She yawned, pretending she was asleep. It seemed to be working because a frown appeared on his face.

"I'm sorry for waking you up Y/n. It's just your mom has been a bit overwhelmed lately. I can't really sleep in the house, would you mind if I stay over tonight?"

"No not at all. You could sleep in one of the spare bedrooms." She invited him in and they held a small conversation before Y/n went into her room, getting onto her bed and falling asleep.

. . .

Oh boy y'all better watch the next chapter.



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