C H A P T E R 45

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"Suh-so, Brian... how do you feel about Y/n going to that party?" Toby asked. He had a plan to get Brian to leave so he could take back his drone.

"What should I feel? It's her life."

"Well yeah but for all we know she could be druh-drinking." Hoodie looked up from his laptop, quirking a brow.


"I don't know... maybe when she comes home she could get huh-hurt. After all she is all alone." The sentence made Brian remember when he first met Y/n. She came home high and was bound to hurt herself if it weren't for him being there.

"You're right." He closed his laptop and put it on his night stand. He then threw on his hoodie and grabbed his mask, looking at Toby one last time.

"I know you're planning some stupid shit."


Y/n looked at Brian as he sat there, looking back at her. She hiccuped before smiling, walking towards him with a stumble in her step.

"Hey Daddy~" She moved her arms to bed space right between him, seemingly trapping him. But Brian knew better than that. He could've easily towered or overpowered her with ease.

"You're way too fucking drunk." He said, looking at her glazed eyes. Y/n was definitely not in the right headspace for this.

"Am not! I think you are though." She slurred, making her fingers oh her left hand walk up his muscular arms. She then squeezed his arms playfully.

"You have amazing arms~, I wonder what else about you is amazing." She grinned, going to place her hand on his thigh. Brian grasped her wrist tightly, unabling her to.

"Stop it Y/n." He said in an authoritative tone, making the girl smile even harder. She brought her face closer to his, almost touching noses.

"Make me Daddy." Brian flipped their position, now having Y/n under him. Y/n was laying down, her arms pinned above her head. They're faced were only inches away. Hoodie's eyes held complete seriousness, while Y/n's held a flirty nature.

"Ooh~ Didn't think you'd be into that kind of thing Brian~" She giggled, making the male role his eyes. He loosened his grip on her wrists and separated his body away from her completely.

"You need to get changed." He opened her closet and grabbed a pair of shorts and the first short sleeved shirt he found.

"Here." Brian threw the clothes at Y/n, who was still laid down on the bed. When the clothes were thrown, she sat up, mumbling a quick thank you. She then threw off her top, leaving her chest only covered by her bra.

"Holy fucking shit." Brian said as he completely averted his gaze from the female. Sure, she was fine with him seeing her without a shirt before, but she was drunk beyond her mind and not at all in the right mind to consent to anything.

"Arrow!" She exclaimed, stumbling up to pet the dog that had just entered the room. The male prayed that she was completely dressed and looked to her. Fortunately, she was dressed and was happily petting her dog. He smiled at the site.

"Great, now you have to go to sle- bed." Y/n pouted, crossing her arms.

"But I don't want to~" She whined, dragging out the "O".

"Well what would you rather do?" He asked, seemingly forgetting how Y/n was acting not even 5 minutes ago.

A smirk appeared on her face as she tapped her chin.

"Well we can always-"

"Don't finish that sentence." He said, coming to sit next to her. She giggled and scooted closer to him. Arrow jumped on the bed, sitting right next to Hoodie.

"I'm kind of tired." She admitted, leaning her head on Brian's arm.

"So go to bed!"


"Why not?!"

"Because then you'll leave!" Brian's eyes widened at her confession, not knowing what to say. Instead he grabbed her hand, gently squeezing it.

"If I stay with you, will you promise you'll at least try to fall asleep?" He asked in a low voice. Y/n nodded her head fast, making Hoodie ruffle her hair.

Y/n got into her bedsheets, laying down. Brian threw off his hoodie and shirt, leaving his torso bare. The girl burned holes into him, mentally praising his body. He climbed onto the bed, throwing the covers on him.

"You look better without the shirt, I think you should stay without it~" She hiccuped. Brian chuckled, facing his body towards her. Y/n yawned, resting her eyes.

"Goodnight Brian." She placed a kiss directly on his lips, making him blush. The girl immediately passed out, leaving Brian with his thoughts.


"Good Morning Lazari." Zalgo greeted, seeing Lazari walk into the mansion. She gulped and greeted him back.

"I didn't see you last night, where were you?" The girl widened her eyes, trying her best to stay calm.

"I was just out with friends. Couldn't sleep too well." She said in a monotone voice. Zalgo rubbed his chin, not taking his eyes off of the work in front of him.

"I see... Well, I hope you had fun. Remember to feed the hounds." Lazarie sighed and nodded, making taking off her shoes and putting on her house slippers. She was about to make her way up the stairs, when her dad spoke up.

"Hey Lazari?"

"Yes Father?"

"You know that I'm your father, right?" She nodded, not daring to make eye contact with him.

"Yes Father."

"So that surely means you would know that I can tell when you lie to me." Lazari could feel her heart stop.

"Y-yes Father."

"So tell me," Zalgo finally looked at her, a glint of anger running in his eyes.

"Where were you last night?"

. . .

Imagine this chapter if Brian was drunk as well.



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