C H A P T E R 6

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"I'm so sorry Mrs.Fawn, I don't know what overcame her!"

"She ought to be taught a lesson before doing that to my poor daughter. I will be reporting this to the principal!"

Stupid friends.

"Y/n why in the world would you do that?"

Stupid parents. Stupid games. Stupid lake.

"I don't know. She was being mean to me."

Stupid Stupid Stupid.

"What is your father going to say about this?"


Y/n's hands started to shake as the woman neared. This was really happening. She was going to witness a legit murder.

"Oh my, it's getting real cold out huh?" The girl said aloud to who she thought were no one. Y/n kept the camera focused on her, doing her best to stop her hands from shaking.

"It would be real funny if a murderer came out any second now-" Y/n watched as a metal pole was swung into her head. The blonde fell to the ground, screaming in agony. Hoodie got on top of her and started beating her face to the point where you couldn't even notice who she was any more.

Y/n struggled keeping her eyes open. Watching what was once someone with a life, a family, get beaten and bruised. Y/n wasn't able to cry. As much as she wanted to. All she could do was stand there, watch the scene, and record.

Once Hoodie finished the job, he looked toward Y/n. He wouldn't lie it did surprise him that she wasn't crying and was still watching, but he didn't care enough to pry into it. In the end, he knew that she would finally realize what she'd seen completely and cry.

"Camera." He motioned Y/n to give it back. She gave it back, though still looking to the dead body. Hoodie watched the footage. It wasn't bad for her first time recording. It wasn't shaky and kept focus. Much better than Toby's first attempt.


"Okay Toby, it's simple. Hold the camera as Masky kills the dude. That's all. Simple enough?" Toby nodded and took the camera. They both climbed a tree and watched as Masky killed the man. Once done, they both jumped down and Toby handed the camera to him. As the other two bickered over shit Hoodie couldn't care about, he sat leaning on the tree, checking the footage.

Well he would have been if there was footage. He looked and there was none from the day. Hoodie looked, but to his dismay, none.

"Toby, did you hit the record button?" Hoodie asked abruptly. Toby looked at him and shook his head no. The trio all stood there in complete silence. Masky then smacked Toby on the back ahead.

"You fucking dumbass!"

"H-How was I supposed t-to know it wasn't on?!"

"Rogers there's a light especially for that!"

"Don't fucking call me that!"

Hoodie sighed and walked off, away from the stupidity of his co workers. At least Toby was new to being proxy, which meant that he wouldn't get into so much trouble with Slender.


Y/n followed next to the male, her hands tucked inside her hoodie. She didn't look up at all, maybe once or twice to see if Hoodie was taking her the right direction.

All Y/n could think about were the girls look of pain as she was dying. How helpless she was in the situation. If she have done something, Hoodie was sure to kill her. He didn't give two shits if she was killed. This probably has happened multiple times before. And that's when it hit Y/n.

"There's no escape." She whispered to herself.

She was going to die. Her death was inevitable. There was no getting around the fact that he was going to kill her. All she could do was sit back and suffer.

She started to giggle, which turned into loud laughs. Tears fell from her eyes and she started to tug at her hair harshly. Hoodie didn't say anything, only stood there and watched her as if it were nothing.

Her head started to pound rapidly, and she was now on her knees, crying, screaming, laughing, and ripping out her hair as if she was being possessed by a demon. She had a hard time seeing, the world was spinning and her body didn't seem like hers. Her throat was starting to feel sore, yet the volume of her screaming hadn't altered one bit. Was this what it felt like to go crazy?

fifteen minutes later and her headache had gotten so bad she fell unconscious. Hoodie picked her up and carried her the rest of the way back to her bedroom. Once done with that, He closed the window and walked back to the mansion as if nothing happened.

He expected this to happen. Because well, a human whose never experienced murder was bound to be disgusted at least. But Hoodie was pretty sure what happened was for a different reason. Maybe she's realized that she'll end up dead just like the blonde girl. The biggest wonder was how quickly she realized it. He expected at least one to two weeks at least.

"I guess it's fine, makes it easier for me anyways." He mumbled to himself as he opened the doors to the mansion. He saw Jane and Jeff running around trying to kill each other, Sally semi-attempting to break it up, and BEN playing something on the T.V. He sighed and walked up the stairs, closing the door when reaching his bedroom.

Toby and Masky stayed hidden at the end of the hallway, making sure their co-worker couldn't hear them.

"He seemed t-to act fine."

"Yeah you're right." Masky agreed subconciously. Toby gasped.

"Timothy a-agreed with me! This bonding t-thing is actually working!" Toby exclaimed. Masky smacked the back of his head and started telling him how this isn't bonding but mere 'partner work to make sure there other partner isn't doing anything he shouldn't.'

. . .


PRETTY VOICE | HOODIEWhere stories live. Discover now