C H A P T E R 21

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"Woah, am I lucid dreaming? This is so cool- could I have not gotten an any more boring place than this." The singer looked around the place. It was dark and had endless space.

"Ok you know what fuck you too-"

"No need to be so rude, you're the one who is in my dream."

"Whatever. I need to stay on script-"

"Wow this dream is so fucking boring."

"Let me just cut to the chase. You need to kill them, and quick."

"Kill who exactly?"

"The creepypastas! Every single one of them before it's too late!"

"What the fuck are creepypastas?"

"No NO! Come Back! Kill them all! Every-"


A loud crash woke Y/n up from her slumber. It was quiet the weird dream she experienced in a long time. But that right now wasn't important. What was though, was whatever the hell caused that clatter.

There was a few suspicions of what it could've been. Either it was Brian, which she hoped was, or an animal got in. Of course there was the possibility that some completely random intruder came in that wasn't one of the three killer. But the possibility of that was slim to none.

Grabbing a wooden baseball bat she kept in he room for safety purposes, Y/n quietly exited the room. After what had happened with Brian, she didn't want to be unarmed. It was tiring to be living in fear all the time, and the bat did put her at a little ease.

A shaky sigh escaped her lips as she slowly made her way down the stairs, a pattering noise occurring every time her feet came into contact with the cold oak. Her heart coursed rapidly in her ears as the suspense o the moment hit her. The artist was rid of the sleep that once clouded her mind, now realizing the density of the stitch she was in. Something, likely a human, had gotten inside her house to do who knows what.

Once Y/n's left foot came into contact with the ground of the main floor, she immediately backed against a wall. The one thing she definitely didn't need right now was to make her presence noticed.

'I need to establish a plan. I could do what I did with Toby. Knock them out and tie them out, then call the police. But I don't know how strong they are. Surely not stronger then Hoodie, right?'

Pulling herself out of her thoughts, Y/n gripped the bat tightly. The handle was now coated with a thin layer of sweat caused by the female herself. But could one blame her? The situation she was in was enough to make anyone's adrenaline pumping, how was she any different?

"Peaking her head into the kitchen she made out a figure, most likely one of a male. They were quiet tall and well built. Definitely not the type o person you'd want to engage hand to hand combat with. Y/n's best bet was to knock them out before they even realized she was there.

Y/n gave a shaky sigh that would only be audible to her, then quietly neared the human, raising the bat in the process. She could feel her heart beat in her ears with every step she took, closer to what she now deemed a man. Once behind him, she gather as much strength and courage she had in the body she owned and swung the bat, watching as it came into contact with his head. The singer watched as he fell to the ground still on guard in case he wasn't completely knocked out. Once sure he had been passed out, she bolted up the stairs to grab her phone to call the police. Rushing back down to the man, she dialed the number, but didn't hit the call button. Instead she looked at the male, noticing he had a white mask on. The area around the eyes were black, along with the lips.

PRETTY VOICE | HOODIEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن