C H A P T E R 55

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Y/n shuffled through her clothes, looking for something to wear. Her arms were starting to get tired and she needed to properly introduce herself to the guests downstairs.

"Ooh you should wear that...or that... or-"

"Brian for the love of- what are you even doing here? Go get changed." She sighed out, his head leaned on her shoulder.

"I'm keeping you warm." Y/n quirked a brow and turner her head to look at him. Brian squeezed at her chest, earning a scoff from the singer.

"You're such a weirdo compared to when I first met you." She grabbed some clothes and went into the bedroom part of her room. Brian stayed in the closet and got changed as well. Y/n turned and looked to herself in the mirror, widening her eyes.

"What the fuck did you do to my neck?!" her hands traced the large hickey on her left side. It was the shape of a heart. No wonder he pressed hickies onto her for so long.

"Marking you the only way I thought you'd let me." He came out the room as he threw on a black shirt, standing behind her.

"See, you look beautiful!"

"As much as I do, I still have to cover them." Brian sighed, running a hand through his hair to try to fix it the best he could. Y/n grabbed her foundation and started to cover the love bites.

"EJ GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!" A voice yelled. Brian and Y/n looked at each other, both tempted to laugh.

"10 bucks Toby is chasing Jeff around."

"You remember their names?" Brian asked, grabbing Y/n's bat and handing it to them.

"It's hard not to remember the names of so many serial killers." He chuckled, and Y/n couldn't help but melt at his toothy grin.

"You're going to need this princesa." She rolled her eyes, taking it from his hand and opening the door. They went down the stairs and were met with very loud noises and screeches.

" GET IT AWAY!" BEN yelled from the top of his lungs, running around the living room as Y/n's dog, Arrow, chased him down. Y/n widened her eyes and looked to the people in the corner. It was all the pastas, some laughing and others cowering in slight fear. Y/n let out a slight laugh, laying the bat across their shoulders. Brian moved his masked face closer to Y/n's ear.

"Looks like you owe me ten bucks."

Arrow suddenly stopped at the sight of Y/n, his curious nature dying down.

"Hi Arrow!" They moved their hand atop of the dog, petting his fur. BEN floated in the air, wary. He was never too fond of dogs.

"How long has this been going on?"

"Like, ten minutes. Surprised you didn't hear it. Actually what were y'all doing?" BEN asked, sitting down on the couch. Y/n smiled to herself before sighing.

"Probably suckin-"

Arrow quickly got up again, starting up the chase once again.



Toby helped Y/n fill mugs with coffee to serve to the pastas. He wasn't planning on helping since she refused to make him a cup too, but he could see her starting to get aggravated and decided to leave it be.

"Thanks for helping me with this Toby, I owe you one."

"Well you can cash in that favor and-"

"So help me ___ Toby you say money I will swing a baseball bat at you." She said through gritted teeth. Toby plastered a large smile on his face and batted his eyes. Y/n let out a large sigh and went into the living room with the cups.

"I like tea better." Jeff said, sharpening his knife. Y/n's eye twitched, and Brian hoped Y/n didn't end up choking someone by the end of the day.

"And I like not having musty killers in my house yet here we are." He grumbled in annoyance, cursing Y/n underneath his breath.

The group all talked, explaining everything to Y/n from start to finish. Their head started to spin from all the new information.

"It's ok if you can't handle all this information, Y/n. We don't expect you to be smart enough to even comprehend that." BEN joked. Y/n looked at the empty mug in front of them, then to BEN, then back at the mug.

"What's your name?"

"BEN." He said proudly. Toby pulled Clockwork closer to himself, knowing what Y/n was planning. So did Brian and Tim. Guess that was just one of the abilities they had as a proxy.

"Right Ben-"

"Why does everyone get it wrong? It's BEN."

"Same thing you just want to be special. Now Ben," they held the cup up and Tim took out his phone to record.

"See if you can comprehend this."



"Ok so to sum it up-" Y/n sighed out, popping all her joints.

"You all have next week off of all 'missions' and think that it has to do with me going on tour?"

"No we know." The demon added in , holding the scalpel in his pocket tightly.

"Right- so, what do you want me to do?"

"Run. Take Lazari with you while you're at it." A dry laugh escaped Y/n's lips, as if it were some joke.

"I'd rather kill myself than run from this."

Bonus thing because apology for not updating in a while:

Y/n was cleaning up the broken pieces of threw mug that they threw at BEN, slightly disappointed that it missed because he quickly dodged. Everyone else was in the kitchen doing who knows what.

Y/n was too lost in their thoughts to notice that someone had entered the room.

"Hey do you have any kidneys-"

"HOLY SHIT-" Y/n threw a fist and clocked E.j, causing his face to face the side. When realizing what they'd done, they pursed their lips and covered their mouth with a hand.


. . .

Y/n was a whole ass menace in this chapter.

ALSO halfway through this chapter Y/n starts using they/them pronouns. If you don't like it then simply fuck off.



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