C H A P T E R 52

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"And yeah, that's basically what's happened up until this point." Y/n said, leaning against a wall next to Masky. Lazari was in the changing room, trying on a couple of clothes Y/n had picked out.

"Fuck... and you didn't tell anyone about it? Like at all?"

"Honestly at the time it didn't come to me how dire the situation was." Masky's eye twitched.

"Fucking dumbass." Masky huffed, running a hand through his hair. The girl scoffed.

"Oh fuck you too." Lazari finally came out the dressing room, a bright smile on her face. Masky looked to his left, seeing all the bags of clothing Y/n had bought.

"You sure you can afford all of this?" He asked, quirking a brow. They weren't cheap stores either, the clothes were quite expensive.

"Mhm! I'm going on tour in a bit so I'm going to get a huge income of cash. And I have money funds that were supposed to go to college but never did." Y/n explained, picking up the bags next to her. She was starting to get hungry.

"Ok so let's go pay and get something to eat because I haven't eaten in a while." Y/n said, stretching slightly and picking up the clothes. She unlocked her phone and gave it to Lazari as Masky helped with the clothes.

"Can you call Toby and tell him to meet us at the food court?" They walked out and towards the register, waiting in line.

"I can't find his name..." Lazari mumbled. It then hit Y/n what she had made his contact name to be.

"Uh...try...Tobenis." Masky scoffed, a slight laugh slipping in. Y/n quickly turned her head to look at him.


"Tobenis? That's what you came up with?" He asked in a sort of demeaning voice.

"Yeah I know, I'm a genius." She said sarcastically, getting to the front of the line and putting the clothes down on the counter. They waited as the cashier ringed up the clothes. Masky's eyes widened as he watched the amount go up.

"That'll be 417.34." They said. Y/n grabbed her small purse and pulled out one of her credit cards and paid with no problem. Masky had a confused expression on his face as they left the store.

"What the fuck you just spent like 400 bucks?!" Masky asked. Y/n just shrugged.

"It's not like I spend this much every week. I'm not someone who wastes their money on useless things, chill Masky." He rolled his eyes.  Lazari gave Y/n the phone back.

"He said he was going to be there in a bit." Y/n nodded and got on the escalator. Masky stared at her, a devious smile on his face.

"So...that's quite a lot of credit cards you have on you-"

"I'm not going to give you any of my credit cards." Y/n deadpanned.

"Oh come on!"

"Holy shit you're such a money hogger, might as well be one of those advertisers on the side of the street." He scoffed and started walking towards the food court, sitting down at the cleanest table Y/n could find. They then sat there waiting for the couple to arrive.

"Hey dudes." Toby said, sliding down to sit next to Lazari. Clockwork sat next to Y/n casually, but Y/n went frozen.

'Ok woah calm down Y/n there's nothing to be worked up about despite the fact that a really pretty girl just sat next to you.'

"So what are we eating?"

"Well I'm eating ___, I didn't order for you." Toby widened his mouth.

"You fucking bitch!" Masky smiled a raised his hands in his air. He loved to mess with Toby.

"How was I supposed to know what you would want to eat?"

"I oh-order the same thing every time!" They started their usually bicker and Clockwork smacked her forehead. Y/n quickly turned her head.

"Are they always like this?" She asked, trying to make conversation.

"Like every fucking day. Either Masky says something that provokes Toby or Toby does something stupid that pisses Masky off. There's no other option." She explained. Y/n huffed out a laugh at this.

"Toby's your boyfriend right?" Y/n asked. Clockworks eyes lit up at the question, nodding her head.

"Yeah, he is. He told you or...?"

"Yeah he told me. Uh, can I get your number so I can text you?" Y/n asked. The other quickly nodded and pulled her phone out, exchanging phone numbers. Toby huffed and finally sat down, a pour on his face. Y/n rolled her eyes and took her credit card out, passing it to Toby.

"Here. Go buy something and please don't go over 50 bucks." Tobys face lit up as he grabbed Clockworks arm and went to go get food. Y/n looked at Masky.


"Did you really have to mess with him that much?"

"Oh come on! Can I at least have my fair share of fun?" Y/n rolled her eyes and sat back, waiting for the couple to come back.


"Yeah you guys get in the car, I have to pay the parking!" Y/n waved off, walking to the station where she had to pay. In one hand was her drink, the other with the stuff she'd need to pay. Luckily there wasn't any line so the girl was able to pay quickly, though the machine itself was slow.

When she was finally done she placed her wallet back into her pocket and started to walk back to the car, not yet looking up to see where she was going.

The action caused her to accidentally bump into someone, opening the lid to her drink and slightly spilling it on them.  Y/n went to look at them and apologize, because the guy seemed large and she didn't want to upset him. Though when seeing his face she dropped her stink to the ground, spilling everywhere. Her eyes went wide and pure shock filled her.


. . .




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