Chapter 4

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Two days had passed since she last laid eyes on her father, so she made her way to the lab. Upon her arrival, the Sultan banned her entry, explaining that her father couldn't receive visitors. The agony of the situation gnawed at her, she knew he was not being truthful – the Sultan and the council were undoubtedly involved.

"I promise that you'll be able to see him in due time."

"But when?"

"As soon as he finds the cure."

"You can't just keep me away from him!"

"He requires solitude to focus."

"He also needs to rest and eat at home!"

"His dedication to his work has intensified; he can't afford distractions."

"I'm his daughter," she gritted through her teeth.

"Alyssa, sometimes we must make sacrifices for the greater good. Let me escort you home. You won't be alone, and we can share a meal while he's occupied."

"I don't want to hear your reasoning. That's the last thing I need. Thanks for absolutely nothing."

With her final words, she spun around, leaving him behind in her.

On her way back home, she spotted a familiar figure waiting at her doorstep.


"What brings you here?"

"Just wanted to see you," the man grinned.

It was Ambrose, one of her many suitors. He was the kind of guy every girl would swoon over, except her. While he used to be insecure, he seemed different around her. Other girls were drawn to him, but only to boost his ego. He always sported a stud on his left ear, gleaming especially in the sunlight. When she first saw it, she misjudged him. But as they spent more time together, she realized he wasn't the tough guy she'd assumed. He was actually cool, a great conversationalist, and he could make her laugh. Yet, her heart remained unconvinced about being in love with him.

"You're definitely seeing me," she tried not to sound sarcastic.

"Just got back from the city. Missed you, Alyssa," he attempted to strike up a conversation.

"You traveled, given everything that's happening?"

She instinctively took a step back and circumvented him to reach her door.

"Hold on! I made sure to stay safe, I promise," he reassured, attempting to approach her.

"For both our sakes, just give me some space."

He nodded, taking a few steps back. He wasn't one to back down easily; even at a distance, he clung to the chance of being near her.

"I hope your trip was safe."

"It was. I actually picked these up for you on my way back."

For the first time, she saw the gorgeous bouquet of flowers and the box of chocolates he got for her. They looked expensive.

"Thank you, but you can't just show up like this without letting me know."

He had an ego that kept him resistant to rejection, yet Alyssa kept challenging that.

"I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Thanks for the flowers, but I can't accept them."

"Why?" His face displayed a hint of hurt.

"I don't want to lead you on by taking them. Remember what I said last time—"

"I know what you said, but this is just a gift. I understand you're not going to accept my proposal," he said with emotion in his eyes, offering her the flowers and chocolates once again. He had visited her numerous times, receiving the same answer on each occasion. Initially, he assumed she was playing hard to get, but the reality was that she didn't want to fall in love amid the current circumstances; her mind was resolute.

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