Chapter 19

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Desmond barged in and broke off the General's grip from Boman.

"Stop making a scene." He looked at both Blaze and Boman.

"I don't care what everyone else thinks! Earlier, Calypso announced that we can request another pairing." Alyssa was clearly angered.

"That is for couples that didn't mate." Boman refutes.

"I'm starting to think the fine print is made up as we go." She poked Boman's arm hard.

"No wife. If you are pregnant with my child you cannot choose another male until you give birth in a few weeks' time."

"How soon can we know if I am?"

"In test twelve hours after you conceive. To show a grown belly it's 24 hours after you get pregnant."

"It's been twelve hours. I want to take a test."

"It hasn't been that long since we last mated."

"Fine, I will wait and we can go to the infirmary."

"So be it." He grabbed her hand to guide her before she could take any detours, and he could get her alone.

She pulled her arm free and stopped moving. He turned back.

"Can you come with me so we can talk?"

"No. Leave me be. We can talk after the test." As she continued putting her distance with every step, she felt Boman still coming after her. "Don't follow me!" She turned around and looked at him and saw anger. Turning again once more she walked away to distract herself from what she'd seen.

She wandered around the spaceship for hours and came upon a big window glass giving the most beautiful view of space. Continuing to walk the long halls, she was amazed at the sights she could see.

More time passed by and suddenly she felt a cool hand touch her shoulder and gasped as she saw who it was and smiled as she hadn't in a while.

"Ambrose! You are alive!"

"I'm so happy to see you." He said muffled in their embrace.

"What are you doing here?" She was confused.

"I'm the chosen male for the remaining females. Crazy right?"

"Oh my, Ambrose I'm so sorry." She started to sob and Ambrose grabbed her sides.

"Whatever for?"

"This was only supposed to be for women only."

"The governor's been busy making more deals in the other ships."

" He and I are going to talk as soon as we land on Helios."

"Good luck with that." He muttered. 

"We're nothing for objects for them, Ambrose."

"My needs are being met." He shrugged.

"You were quite the ladies' man back home." She smiled. 

"Yeah." They both laughed.

"Do they treat you okay?"

"Calypso is the harshest to deal with."

She looked back to space as he said her name.

"Mating with her must be unfortunate."

"You don't like her either huh?"

"I don't know how to answer that right now."

"I can't believe we are all married to another species and it's all come to this."

"Neither can I. I hate feeling like someone's puppet. Marriage for me was supposed to be something special."

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