Chapter 18

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The grand hall was filled with mated couples. A buffet was prepared in celebration.

"Today is a new day for our races. Every single one of you is playing an important role in the continuation of both our species. We thank you for coming to this agreement for the future of our planets." Calypso proclaimed between her gritted teeth. She had a chip-shaped device in her ear with a piece standing out close to her mouth. It seemed that's what she was using to speak to the entire hall. Alyssa could tell the words she was saying felt like acid in her mouth.

"Anyone that didn't get pregnant and would like to change males, please know you are welcome to do it by requesting a new pairing."

Can we do that? Alyssa thought, but then again, why would she want to start all over again? She liked her husband, and she wanted to make things work. They both did.

Everyone dispersed and started to serve plates and repeat. Alyssa was confused with the commotion as she ran into Tinker and gasped to see her belly grown.

"Tinker, what the hell happened to you?"

"I mated."

"You look pregnant."

"I am! Alyssa, did you not pay any attention at all?"


"It's the serum."

"In a day?!"

"Well, duh. I'm starving, and I just ate. These babies are hungry. This ship is lovely. I can't wait to mate again with Desmond."


"Did you mate too or what?"

"I did."

"I swear you still look like you're a virgin tho."

"Well, I'm not anymore."

"How is he in bed? Desmond lasted f-"

She spaced out as her friend told her all about her night. What she was seeing struck her, looking around emphasizing her sights on women she saw only yesterday with flat bellies had grown bellies.

"Is that going to happen to me?"

"Well, duh. Why isn't your belly grown?"

Boman and Desmond grabbed them both by the waist. Desmond kissed Tinker on the lips and Boman Alyssa in her temple. Another handsome fellow with darker blonde hair and blue eyes next to them didn't take his eyes off Alyssa, it was intimidating, and it made her shiver.

"I hear congratulations are in order, Tinker. It seems you and my brother make a fine pair."

"Thank you, Sir Boman."

"Meet one of our generals, right hand man ranked high in command for our fleets, General Blaze."

"Enchanted." Alyssa curtsied.

"Likewise. You, humans, are beautiful creatures."

"It seems you and my brother got busy later than expected," Desmond added as Boman glared at him.

"At least he got it on. My chosen one rejected me and paired with another." General Blaze said coldly, not looking at anyone in particular as he said this.

"I'm sorry." Alyssa looked saddened for him.

"It's alright. Another will take me as hers soon enough." They both stared at each other for a moment, and Alyssa smiled lightly and nodded. Boman suddenly looked uncomfortable, and Alyssa looked at him confused.

"Excuse us." Boman grabbed Alyssa and walked to a corner where they couldn't be heard.

"Boman, that was fucking rude." She placed a hand in her mouth, only getting used to curse words coming out of her mouth more often these days.

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