Chapter 11

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'Governor, you're making the right choice. Unfortunately, sometimes those in power have to make the hard decisions we don't want to make. Once's that no one else will. I have had my fair share of that and its burden.' Those words kept replaying in Governor Mirvano's head once the call ended.

After his call with Bomani, he was left deep in thought and decided to call a call/video meeting with every important person left in the world to discuss what they had talked about. Alyssa was brought to the governor's office and was instructed to sit down. What would happen and the decision that was made for everyone before they had a say in it. Everyone was outraged as they kept on listening to everything that was being said.

"You have to understand that they are offering the best solution for Earth right now. One that we don't have by a longshot." Governor Mirvano finished.

"And what do they want in return for their... generosity?" NASA's director Bane retorted sarcastically.

"Nothing we can't provide to them to save Earth. It will require sacrifice."

"A bigger one than the one we've endured with our world dying." Dr. Darren retorted.

"Their world will die too if we don't make a truce." the governor urged.

"Well, get on with what was decided. We don't have all day. Time clicks and more people are dying." The president of the United States added.

"I think the United States knows more than what they were ever willing to say, but for the sake of this conversation, I will say it. They want our fertile women to produce their offspring."

"Yes, and that is out of the question! We need our own women to do that when this whole thing blows over." The president added.

"So you did know?"

"Of course we fucking knew, but we're not doing what they are asking, EVER."

"Then you must know that what'll blow over is the extinction of Earth and Helios. Right? We can help them and help ourselves now while we still can!"

"Don't you get it? These people cannot be trusted. They can finish us off for all we know!"

"So you were willing to sacrifice the planet with a lie? With a lie that we couldn't fully decipher their language?"

"That's you're erroneous perception of what's going on here."

"A nobody girl from Barawa had to tell us the truth that you all were hiding about this Lincos language. Since when did you all know?" Alyssa glared at the governor, but he glared at her back and gestured for her to keep her mouth shut.

"We are one of the most powerful organizations in the world. Did you really think we wouldn't know this? WE ARE NASA!"

"Then I am glad none of you were included in this decision-making. I am glad I am the one calling the shots here."

"Calling the shots? You don't call the shots here. What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"They're on their way here. I told them to come. That we accept their terms."

"Here? Do you have any idea how this will look? An alien invasion? Have you gone mad?"

"He added some sort of advanced tech chip in my devices, allowing me to contact him immediately any light-years away he is in the distance. We can call him and call it off, and we all will die in a few month's time, I guarantee you that."

"This was not your call to make! Call the fucking thing off right now! You needed to discuss this with everyone before you did this."

"I made the decision I knew was necessary to make, which no one will. None of you will!"

"Again, everyone, calm down. There is no need for this. This will all blow over." The president said calmly.

"What'll blow over is the extinction of Earth. I bet that's what you want, right? The most powerful man on Earth ruling only but a few? Waiting this out in your fucking white house VIP dungeon. Right?" The governor yelled.

"When I was told of this race, we weren't given any insight of this or what their message could be like. But you already knew some of this, didn't you?"

"That is confidential information."

"Fuck your confidentiality. This was something we all needed to know before! Deaths since the moment you knew until now are in your hands!"

"They would let us die if we don't agree to their terms?"

"He didn't say that, but those are his demands. There is something else."

"What else could there fucking be?"

"They will do what they call a cleanse on Earth. In theory it will disassemble and reassemble it on an atomic level. It will kill the crops deep-rooted with a formula they have. It will be toxic in the beginning. We all have to leave the planet and go to theirs to prepare. Once the cleanse is over, we can return and rebuild, have our own next generation, free of disease with technology we couldn't even dream of from their planet."

Everyone in the room was silent. Thinking how such a thing could be possible and what their reality was right now.

"This meeting is adjourned for now. When Helians get here, we will talk."

"Don't you fucking-" The governor ended the call before anyone else could finish talking.

"Governor. Now you will listen to me. I don't care if you think you're god, but you should not submit our women to this. How do we contact them back? There has to be another way. Another form of truce."

"I'm not calling this off. When they get here, we can probably renegotiate something else, but they need to come here. We need to see them in person. We need the cure. He told me he has access to seeing all of this that's going on. They could even be listening right now. Who know's what they'd do if they turn on us?"

"And you thought about this now? Not before saying yes to this? How can you think so little of Earth's women's dignity."

"Do you think our women agree to such a thing?"

"We don't have time to waste. We might have to force them."

"How can you say that? You are someone in a position in power. Someone who is meant to protect the wellbeing of the people you are in charge of. if anyone could have bargained this differently is you."

"Well, I fucking didn't. I tried offering them everything else, but this is the only thing that they would agree on. What the fuck was I supposed to do? Do you all want to die? Do you want the remaining loved ones you have taken away? Because this is exactly what we're looking at if this goes on!"

"My whole family died with this disease. I have no one else to save except my people. But I will tell you this no woman on their right mind will agree to that."

"Then we are doomed. We're better off being killed by these fucking aliens."

Alyssa understood why he made that decision even though she disagreed with it. In a twisted way, he reminded her of her father, making hard decisions no one else would make for the greater good. She knew she would have to do the same eventually.

"I really don't agree with this, but.."

"But what?"

"What if... I told you I would do it, to save Earth, and find other women to do it willingly as it may. Would you promise to run by the people who matter any decision making from now on?"

"Then I would suggest you find a way to help me persuade every woman left alive, or we will be in our deathbed before these Helians can even get here."

"So be it."

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