Chapter 16

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"This is our room." Boman pointed, and as they went in through the door, she was amazed at how luxurious it was. She mentally noted to make some female touches. It would make her feel at home, but she didn't care about opulence being used to simple things back on Earth.

The anticipation of their wedding night engulfed Alyssa, and it became all too overwhelming for her. She panicked and wished she could fly out to space, away from her husband. But realistically, that would never happen, and she didn't have anywhere else to go.

"You know I can feel how you do with our bond, right?"

"Right. And how am I feeling right now?"

"A lot of things. I know you are overwhelmed, sad, anxious, scared... aroused."

"I beg your pardon! I am not-"

"Wife, I am too," He interrupted. 

"No, don't turn that on me. I don't-"

"Everyone on this ship is having their wedding night as we speak, with their mated one. We should do the same."

"Boman. Did all women understand what they had to do and what the official contract is?"

"They did. Although there are some parts that like you, that they will have to read on their own."

"And did everyone agree?"

"Alyssa, we've been over this. I would really appreciate your cooperation with me. What will my people say when everyone has mated with their bride, and I haven't yet. They will start questioning my leadership."

Being aware of a new environment, she started going through doors, trying to have a moment to herself.

"Where are you going?"

"I need to go to the bathroom."

"You're going the wrong way. The bathroom is upstairs... In our room."

Every time he said the word our, her heart fluttered, and at the same time, she'd become more anxious.

"Which way then?"

"I will take you."


"Wife... Stop pushing my buttons."

"I told you to stop calling me that, and I am a grown woman. I can go alone."

"I told you to stop disrespecting me, didn't I?" Boman clenched his jaw and paced towards her. Evidently, he was annoyed.

Alyssa gulped. "What are you doing?" 

Boman stopped in front of her and grinned. Alyssa placed her palm on his chest and stepped back to place distance between them.

"You don't tell me what to do here. From now on, there will be consequences for your misbehavior." As he finished, he picked her up and carried her over his shoulder.

"Stop this right now!" She kept protesting and hitting his back, but he spanked her every time she talked. "Put me down!" 

Boman ignored her and kept walking to where he knew would make her his from the moment he saw her picture and threw her in his bed.

"Boman. I need a bit of time."

"Why is that?"

"I can't."

"You need to perform your wifely duties as soon as possible. It's in the contract."

"That wasn't explained like this, and you know it!"

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