Chapter 23

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Tinker opened her eyes to find two figures looking at her. At first, they looked blurry, so she started blinking rapidly, and as the seconds passed, she could see now it was a man and a woman.

Her breathing was getting ragged. She looked down at her body and could not will it to move as she usually would.

"Help me," she begged as her eyes darted between the two. "I can't move."

"Slow your breathing." It was the man who spoke. He stared at her and placed his hand on hers. "It's normal you can't move. You won't be able to yet."

"You were supposed to be sleeping like the others, but we woke you earlier." The woman made a small smile.


"To discuss an important matter for when you awake."

"This couldn't wait?"

"Things aren't what they seem." The woman stared at her with an expression that made Tinker's body tremble.

"Relax, you can trust us. My name is Desmond, and this is Calypso, my sister.." He told her and looked towards the woman. "Let's be done with it."

"We are aware you are best friends with the woman who our brother Boman will marry. Yes?"

"Boman has siblings?"

"Yes. Answer the question." The woman was impatient.

"Well, yes. I thought women of your kind would not be here."

Desmond and Calypso just stared at each other.

"Someone tell me what is going on or let me sleep!"

"Our brother will kill all humans once you fulfill your purpose."

"Why would he? We just signed contracts to be practically birthing slaves!"

"Need to know basis."

"What does that even mean?"

"We will tell you things as you need to know them, human."

"If you want me to agree so quickly, you have to give me something to trust you."

"It's not that simple."

"Then make it as simple as you can."

"We want an alliance. Our brother wants to conquer all species, use and dispose of them as he pleases. He has planned so for too long. You are not the first he takes into our planet to experiment on and bring to extinction."

"Experiment on?"

"You all have been told a lie. The same thing that happened to Earth happened to us and in many planets of our galaxy. A disease overtook our planet and infected our women's birthing capabilities, and in a way yours. It reached Earth, but we'd been able to study it. It's why we had a 'cure', but it's not really one. It just prevents you from getting it only if you haven't. Many in the other ships have died, and many more will die. Why do you think everyone is on separate ships?"

"For pairing?"

"Well, yes but. Look Helians are given a list of candidates they can choose from and choose the one they become fathomed by their beauty. Each woman of Earth was matched with a group of men you could choose from to start mating with. Your paring isn't random because whether you can fully breed depends on certain genetic qualities, we test you for with blood samples we have just taken from all of you."

"Goodness, can you stop with the riddles. I'm so confused."

"It depends on how well your body is adjusting to the new bond that you can continue with it. We brought out a rejection reaction in your sample to manipulate your acceptance of the bond with your chosen one, so you get another selected."

"I met my chosen, and he was very nice and handsome. A war general."

"Do you see him here? As our war general, a great deal of duty is first for him, which won't be you if we demand it of him. Unlike Desmond. He will be a better match for sure." Calypso pointed at Desmond and smiled at him.

"What do I get out of all this?" Tinker looked confused.

"Our protection. You will be able to leave Helios and go home when you wish. You can come and visit to see your children as you please."

"But Earth will be destroyed for a while. Why should I believe anything you are saying? Everything you've told me is against the contract we signed with your race!"

"This whole thing with Earth is a distraction! A means to an end for us. We won't keep it once we're done with all of you. We have no reason to."

"I can't agree to this. Boman came to me before you did with these threats too."

Desmond grabbed both sides of her jaw and turned her to face him. 

"Listen, Boman is dangerous. If you side with us, you have a better chance to be a part of something bigger here. Do you want that or to live on with a pathetic, meaningless life as a nobody letting an opportunity like this pass?"

"Can I think about it?"

"We've exposed enough of our plans as it is. If there is anything our brother will side on with us, it's this. If you said no at this point, we'd have to kill you now or accuse you of treason, the worst offense in Helios. Now, do you want that?"

Tinker only gulped and looked around. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was this a dream?

Calypso grabbed his hands off Tinker after a few seconds and remained close. Placing her hands on top of the mattress, she fixated her stare on her.

"Either you do what we say, or to put it bluntly, we will let Boman kill you both however he pleases, and then your friend in the most painful way you can imagine. We won't have to do it for him. He will on his own."

"You won't hurt Alyssa if I do this?"

"She will not be harmed. We will protect her. But neither she nor Boman can ever suspect any of this."

"She won't give up on me."

"Let's just say I have a way to keep her busy and send her on a merry chase."

"If I were to accept. I have some terms of my own."

"Funny you should say that human. We do too."

A/N: Thanks so much to everyone for your support! Means a lot how much you like it and write me about it!

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