Closer To The Truth

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The chilling breeze before of the dawn was adamant to shackle the handsome mans obstinateness. The Elemental today was unaffected by it all. It was the soothing joy and a pinch of hope in his heart that was making him stay on his course. His determined self refused to find a shelter in this harsh weather. 

Callan tapped his feet and eagerly awaited the arrival of his special someone. His face lit up like the stars of the night when he saw the muscular man approaching from afar. He couldn't control his feet and ran as fast as he could to embrace the man in a tight hug. What followed was a sweet kiss of longing; of love. 

Both the men parted their lips and lovingly looked at each other. Einar raised his hand towards the beautiful man and smiled "This is for you."

Callan held the object covered in a small satin cloth in his hand and surprisingly asked "What is it?"

"I thought that since this is our first day together we should celebrate it with a present."

"But I didn't get you anything."

"It doesn't matter. I have you by my side which means more than anything for me."

Einar's words flustered Callan. He bowed his head as his focus was completely directed at the small satin cloth. He carefully unveiled the fabric to reveal a wolf carved out of pure mahogany wood. The wolf looked determined while he was sitting on his hind legs. His furry tail was stretched up to his front legs. "It is beautiful!"

"I broke a similar toy when we were young. Do you remember?"

"Not exactly." Callan chuckled "My memories are not that strong."

"We played together as kids." Einar smirked "I loved your presence by my side but I was jealous of your toy wolf and so I broke it."

Callan amusingly laughed at Einar "Ohh. That's more like you."

The melodic laugh of his mate automatically forced Einar's lips to curl "I shouldn't have done that."

The men talked for few more moments before finding a comfortable place to sit. It was like any other day yet this day was special. Both of them had been together before but they were seeing each other in a different light; as lovers. Callan kissed Einar's cheeks and stretched his legs to lay down on his back. He cradled his head on the laps of the muscular man and both the men stared at each other in silence.

 "This will always be special to me." Callan said looking at the toy.


"This is the first ever gift that you've give me. I will treasure it." 

It had been years since Einar's soul found this inner peace. His inner turmoil and the constant pain he felt when he was away from Callan was all gone. It was a nice feeling. Being this close to the man he loved, he couldn't ask for anything anymore. He could bring the entire world to his feet if Callan just said so. 

However soon Einar's face tensed for he realized that he could not do everything for Callan. In fact he could do nothing for Callan. He was bind by his roles and responsibilities. He was forced to hide his relationship with the man for people would never accept it. Moreover his father will never allow for this union.

 "You know my situation with the pack and my parents." Einar dejectedly lowered his eyes

Callan was saddened by the look on Einar's face. He sat upright and rubbed Einar's arm to soothe him "I do and I completely understand."

"You do?" Einar asked surprisingly

"Look I am not against the customs and rituals of the wolves. I just don't feel like I am a part of the pack. To be honest if it hadn't been for you I would've left the pack a long time ago." The words caused Einar more pain than comfort. Imagining Callan to be apart for even a moment was difficult to bear.

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