To Love Is Divine

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A day before the carnival

Callan cautiously paced in his room to collect the things he required before meeting his best friend. With delicate footsteps and hushed movements he opened his drawer and retrieved the present he was going to give Archer. He pushed the drawer back and turned around. His sudden movement caused the bowl on the table to stumble down and make a clanking sound.

The girl on the bed woke up with the sudden noise. Her eyes took in every ray of light and she realised that she had slept for quite some time now. Her heart was pounding while she gulped in fear to asses her surroundings. She breathed in relief when she saw the apologetic face of Callan.

"I am really sorry... I never intended to wake you up."

The girl nodded in understanding. Her eyes caught the visual of Callan being dressed up. "Where are you going?" she asked rubbing her eyes.

"I am going up to the mountains to meet my friend. I may not return home tonight. I had left a note for you." he shrugged and lowered his voice "But I guess there is no need for it now."

"Thank you for giving me shelter." Her lips stretched in an innocent smile.

"I really wanted to talk to you about that." Callan sighed deeply before taking a seat on the bed besides the girl "My parents have been discharged from their duties so they will be in the house more so than often."

The girl bowed her head while she looked at her fidgeting fingers "That would be a problem." she whispered to herself.

"Yes. That would be a problem."

She jerked her head to face the man with hopeful eyes "You can come up with an excuse right?"

"Actually...." He puckered his lips in hesitation "You may not find me here the next time."


"I am leaving this pack forever." 

The moment the words left him, the girl was taken aback. She opened her lips but no word came out of her mouth. She looked at him and back to herself and after a pregnant pause she looked again at the man. "This is your home. Where would you go?" her lips trembled "What about me!? You cant just leave me here all alone." Fright was clear in her eyes.

"Just hear me out please." Callan put his palm on her hands in a gesture of sympathy. Small drops of transparent liquid were now freely flowing through the eyes of the girl. Callan felt bad for the juvenile girl but he had no choice. He gathered his courage and breathed deeply "This cannot go on for very long. People will know sooner or later. You have to be open with your parents about it. I know your father, he will definitely help or at least come up with a solution. You cannot hide forever."

"He cannot do anything." She lowered her voice "The constraints surrounding us wont let him help me." The girl soon embraced the man in a desperate hug and clung to Callan as if parting with him would cost the very life of her.

"Please don't cry." He caught her arms and leaned her back to face her. "Lets just talk about it next time." Callan realised that the girl was being sensitive at this time and he had to make her understand his point of view. He decided to leave the matter unsolved and deal with it later when the girl was in her senses. 

"Breakfast is on the table and the decoction is in the blue bottle, make sure you apply it before you fall asleep. Take care." He kissed her forehead before leaving the house.


The day of the carnival

It was an emotional storm scattering Callan's feelings all over the place. He was happy, he was excited, he was sad and he felt the longing within him. How many days had it been since he met her!? He never expected to see her after the day he broke her heart. 

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