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Einar stepped out once again into the sand and dust of the open arena which was heavily stained with the blood of his previous victims. The audience cheered wildly while Einar raised his hand skyward as a greeting to the gathered thousands. Another prisoner was pushed ahead in the centre of the ring to meet the same fate as his predecessors and fellow inmates. Einar had already executed more than a dozen of these ferals with no help from his beasts. Wild response arosed from the audience as Einar bowed his head to the king. The men inside the arena now circled each other with ferocity and an unreadable expression. Einar looked at his friend for a moment while the feral took this distraction as an opportunity and shifted mid air accelerating towards his opponent. But the going to be Alpha was quick enough to move sideways and dodge the attack. He caught hold of his neck and squeezed it with his muscular arms until the body became motionless.

"And the winner of this bout- Einar Ragnar Knight." The game master announced.

The crowd erupted in cheers and thunderous applause while Garrick looked at his friend with enormous joy and pride. Einar once again bowed to the King-Stanislas and made his way through the exit of the arena. His friends and soon to be Alphas welcomed him with hoots and shouts while some even patted his back in encouragement and appreciation. He was the first in ages to compete in this competition and kill more than a dozen ferals all on his own, without shifting to his wolf.

The people of Stanislas's land simply loved the strength and skill of the boy. He was seemingly younger than most of his compatriots but was more competent and eligible than everyone combined. There were people who admired him and there were some who simply thought that he was overrated. Due to his adeptness, Stanislas was mighty impressed with Einar and gave him a proposal to work under him as one of kings close guard, as one of the high ranks- The Enforcers.

The women folks desperately wanted to be his mate. They turned their way to ogle him on every chance they got and why would they not. The man was sex on legs. His growing years had done wonders on him. He was taller than most of the men and had a well toned muscular body. His squared jaw and his mesmerizing eyes added to his good looks. He always returned a smile when he caught an admiring glance, but his heart had long been taken.

"You did great today." Einar turned when a hand landed on his shoulder and hugged his friend.

"Father would have been so proud of you." Garrick shed a bead from his eye when he almost whispered the sentence. Umberto was a mentor, a teacher and a guide for Einar. He learnt many a things from him.

"I miss him." Einar said with glossy eyes and a disappointed heart when he patted his friends back lightly.

"I miss him too."

Garrick wiped his tears and lightly pushed his friend away. He took a scroll out of his bag and was about to hand it over to his friend when a knock intervened their conversation. It was one of the royal guards.

"I apologize for the interference sire; the king has summoned you to his manor."

Both the friends were quite amused with the sudden call of Stanislas at this ungodly hour. Einar swiftly nodded to the guard and went right after him.

Over the years Stanislas had become very fond of Ragnar's son. Not only he roared power but he was good in his learning as well. Stanislas was so impressed with the man that he had consistently tried to persuade him to stay in his kingdom. Stanislas knew that Einar was special because of his power and he would only prove be an asset to the royal army.

Einar climbed the curved stairs to reach the balcony where he saw a man facing his back to him and looking at the bright blue sky. His shiny brown hair waved with the motion of the wind while his wrinkled cheeks gave way for his lips to expand when his nostrils caught a whiff.

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