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The dwellers of the forest paced their way to the peak point in hopes of reaching the moon. Thunderous paws sank into the wet moss leaving every tree behind. They raced against the winds with the high ranks showing their dominance by closing the gap with the ones who were ahead of them.

The moon was calling them.

Einar had covered a considerable distance ahead of everyone. He covered the uneven land with a great lolloping gait. Each one of his mighty strides were worth of at least three of others. His body stretched to its full extent while he ran with a force barely touching the ground. When he reached the cliff, he stared at the moon in defiance and howled in agony. He bared his teeth to the moon as if he was challenging it to a fight.

The wolves soon joined Einar but were taken aback at the provocative yelping of the Alpha's son. The other members of the pack saw it as a disrespect to the Supreme Being. In response some of them howled a cry of annoyance while others howled in respect to the moon. They could not tolerate the uncanny behavior of the Alpha's son.

No one was above the goddess.

Einar shook his head and composed himself when he realized what he was doing. He snorted. He was embarrassed with his head hung low and apologized to the moon goddess and everyone in the pack through his mind link. Even Ragnar was amused with the behavior of his son. This wasn't the behavior to which the Alpha was accustomed to. Had it not been his son, the perpetrator would have been severely punished.

Umberto then nuzzled the Einar in assurance that everything will work out. He was sure that Einar acted this way only because he had been aloof from his mate. He again pushed through the mind of Einar to knock some sense in him.

You were intransigent and howled in contempt at the moon goddess. That's not a good thing to do son.′

'I know uncle Umberto; I'm trying to control my wolf but I don't know what has gotten into him. He is acting weird today the whole time.'

Umberto knew for a fact that a wolf gets upset when he does not detects his other half on a full moon night. In most cases he is either calm, upset about it or he howls in pain. But he is never defiant or feral for it. However it can behave this way only if...

'Einar look at me.′ The Alpha's son slowly raised his head to look into the eyes of his mentor. ′I want you to tell me the truth. HAVE YOU FOUND YOUR MATE?′

Einar ached to let someone know that indeed he has found his mate. But would people understand that the mate in question was not a girl or a wolf entirely? Perhaps he could share this information with his advisor. Maybe he would understand his dilemma.

Yes uncle Umberto. I-I think I have found my mate.′

Umberto was ecstatic and equally appalled. Finding ones mate is the happiest moment in a wolf's life but if Einar was hiding this fact from everyone than there must be a grave reason for it.

Your mate is a wolf. Right?′

Einar was ashamed at the fact that his mate did not have a wolf within him. He lowered his eyes and shook his head. Umberto was surprised to say the least.

This has never happened in the before! An Alpha mate who is not a wolf is truly unheard of. I don't know how your parents or the pack will digest this information. Alpha mates have to be strong to breed strong pups and hence only an Alpha, beta or in some cases a gamma blood is usually the mate chosen by the moon goddess for the high ranks. There is a very thin chance of your parents approving this mating. However they are not the ones we need to be concerned about at this moment. Your mating can cause quite a ruckus at the council. The King and his people won't be pleased.′

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