To Lend A Helping Hand

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The previous night of the punishment 

Mary sobbed into Callan's chest unceasingly as she wrapped herself around her boy. Fat tears rolled down her cheeks in succession. She was unable to control herself while Justus stood tall with his son and kept one hand on his shoulder to give him comfort.

"Shh.. it will be alrite mother. Don't lose hope yet."

Mary snivelled "Are you even listening to yourself right now." She raised her head to look at her beloved son "How do I keep my hopes alive when I know I may not be able to see my child any more.."

Callan smiled at his mothers innocence "Nothing as such will happen." He carefully held Mary's arms and retracted them from his body. He looked at her lovingly "I have been in worse situations. I know how to keep myself alive." He gestured his eyes towards Justus "Father taught me well. Have some trust in him."

Mary composed herself a little as she looked helplessly at her mate. Justus on the other hand felt ashamed and he lowered his eyes "I wish I could do more for you."

"You did everything right father.. I don't blame you." he sighed "There were limitations to your interference and I know you must have tried hard. You have nothing to feel bad about father." The dejected look of his father broke his heart as in the next instant he gave a comforting hug to reassure Justus "I wont disappoint you father."

Callan's eyes roamed at the back of Mary's shoulders where he could see a woman dressed in her favorite green gown visibly nervous while her eyes were sad. She carried a salver in one hand which contained some appetising food while her other hand was occupied by the bright lantern. She weakly smiled at the man and bowed her head. 

"Mother; father." Callan directed his gaze at his parents "I need to talk to Aurora and you both need to rest. Please take care of yourselves for me."

Justus and Mary reluctantly agreed to the request. They kissed the man goodbye and made their way out of the cell. Aurora bowed her head in greeting before the Ashtons departed and she stepped inside.

She kept the salver and the lantern on the floor near the entrance of the cell and embraced the man "How are you holding up?"

"I am fine." Callan looked curiously at the witch "Do you have any idea about tomorrow?"

Aurora shook her head "Everything is under wraps. Marden and Richard are personally taking care of the arrangements. By the looks of it.." she paused as she gulped in fear "It seems fatal.."

Callan gave an encouraging smile to the witch "Don't worry Aurora I will be fine."

Aurora smiled in response but her demeanour was only a façade to hide her worried self from the Elemental. She looked all around the dark cell and her anxiety grew. The place was a rotting hell. Strong putrid smell acclimatized to the environment while the only source of light was the window at the far back. However even if it hadn't been the night, the window was hardly capable to lit up the room. 

Aurora could no longer control her emotions as she wept profusely on the shoulders of the man. Her heart broke when she observed the condition of the room and also at Callan's fate. The Elemental did not deserved the treatment which was meted out to him time and again. On the contrary he should have been bestowed the highest pedestal given his legacy. 

After a few anxious moments she calmed herself and looked at her friend with determination "Don't hold back on using your powers."

Callan was taken aback "And let the entire world know who I am.. No!" he vigorously shook his head "You know why I am keeping it a secret Aurora."

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