√chapter twelve

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Zainab's POV

Yet again, the position we were in right now was so awkward and it instantly reminded me of a similar situation- five years ago in Aunt's farmhouse when his shirt's button got tangled with my necklace. But that Shaiq and the Shaiq right now were polar apart. He was my best friend but this guy didn't even want to talk to me.

Maybe his broad hand on my back was not enough to send a tingling sensation all over my body as some drops of water fell from his wet hair on my face; making me weaker with this proximity. Shaiq looked in a stupor as his eyes were never leaving my face. His stare moved from my eyes; declining all the way and finally fixed on my lips. This prompted me as well to do the same and during this journey, I couldn't negate the fact once again that his features had become so attractive that I felt my heart already ready to tear out of my chest.

To not get the outcome of this like the way that encountered ended, I nudged his thick arm with my hand since I couldn't even dream about touching his bare muscular chest. As though this brought back Shaiq to this room, he blinked his eyes several times and got away from me with a jerk. He quickly grabbed the towel he had tossed on the back of the wooden chair and strolled towards the front; where a wall-sized mirror was placed.

I abruptly sat up on the couch and straightened myself. My heart was still beating like crazy at whatever happened a while earlier. I licked my dried lips as I ran my palms over my cheeks. How hot my face was right now, I was cent percent sure I would be blushing hard.

But that was not a time to become shy, stupid! Confront him for what you had come here in the first place.

With that thought in mind, I took a deep breath and again peeked at Shaiq who was still rubbing his hair with the towel. Did he have a plan to make his hair fall by constantly stroking them like this? Like he just got to know what I was thinking, he again threw the towel and grabbed a blue T-shirt in his hand. I could feel his eyes on me through the mirror as he wore the shirt. I kept on looking at him as he picked the brush and started combing his hair.

"Shaiq," I eventually spoke seeing him almost finishing his business.

He didn't say anything, instead, his sole attention went to pushing the right side of his hair back on his scalp.

"If it's not a prank then what is it?"

This caused him to stop whatever he was doing and peek at me once again through the mirror.

"This is what you wanted," he replied in a deep yet calm voice.

One thing I had noticed that he had started to speak in a really low voice that I needed to focus on just him whenever he was talking. I couldn't believe a guy like him who used to be known as a loudspeaker, would change his tone like this someday. I gritted my brows at what he said before getting up from the couch and walking towards him.

I stood near him as I eyed him with mistrust, "what do you mean?"

He now turned towards me and gave me full attention for the first time. He crossed his both arms on his chest before speaking, "five years ago, someone had told me that she doesn't want me to be in front of her eyes. And I am doing what she wanted."

That was my time to get shocked. I looked at him with widened eyes. Why the heck he had been misunderstanding what I had said at that time? Why he was taking that in another way when my intentions were never like this.

"I didn't mean it that way Shaiq. I told you to go abroad because I wanted you to make your future. I never told you that I don't need you as my friend. You are still my best friend so am I," I almost yelled the last line.

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