Chapter Four

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I pull into Hero Corp's parking lot and lock up my car before heading to the elevator. I press the third floor button as a relatively tall and deathly thin man emerges into the elevator besides me. I watch as he presses the fourth floor button and we stand in an unmeasurable silence. I take note that he's in a very loose grey and brown suit that has a blue tie and his hair is slicked back by gel. I hear the door clunk open pulling me from my thoughts and I step out of the elevator. I walk down the long corridor passing many tall office walls and through two sets of doors to finally get to the secretaries office.
" Dr.Jameson requested to see me." I note watching the lady tap a button and the normally secured room's door was wide open. Inside sat the founder of Hero Corp Across the world, an old man sitting behind a large c shaped desk. The desk was skewed with papers and monitors all showing various different cases and villain activities. I sat in front of him daring to not speak a word in his presence. He finally looks at me and turns a monitor to face me and I see the same cursed words dance across the screen that I did before I left. I watch the interaction play on repeat.
"Your a fool." Jameson finally speaks out in his raspy and dry voice, a voice that sends shivers down my spine.
"As soon as I registered that someone had rammed into me they were both gone." I try to make my statement clear, lying through my teeth.
"I look like you had said something to them." He continues to glare into my soul.
"Sir I had only said I was sorry for running into them and as soon as I did they were gone." I was stressed I would loose my powers.
"You can't have another slip up like you did when Nickolas died young man!" His voice grows darker. My heart stops thinking about that month.
I had gotten the call an hour after the fire that raged through the apartment. I was devastated to learn that Nick and his friends were murdered, in that apartment that we had planned our lives out in, the crater that was the only reminder of the past I had lost. I remember that week I was being forced to start dating Octavia right after the fire. A fire I never learned the cause of. I was told Liquidizer made his debut with that fire. Those fires never quite matched his.
I remember being told to go on a mission and messing up. Everything was blurry and fast, and I was in pain, and like it had happened with running into Liquidizer, everything has come to a freeze. I woke up in a containment cell, scientists all around me. I had lost control and hurt innocent heroes, that's what I was told.
Two weeks later Jameson came up to me and told me a piece of advice that never made scene but helped me to mask the pain. He told me to text him and then block the number. So I did, and then a week later I shattered my phone into a million pieces. I know it's a little extreme but I did it to rid myself of Nick and the past I had lost.
"Maybe because in two weeks it's the anniversary of his death." I sigh knowing full well I'll be told to keep my issues to myself.
"He died five years ago! Stop mopping around you have a beautiful woman by your side! When do you even plan to propose to her!" He slams his fists onto the table in outrage. Giving him a questioning look I stand.
"What do you mean propose?" I am being pulled closer into my last draw.
"I have already arranged for it at the gala! A great way to form publicity, you propose to her on the dance floor and never, and I mean never, again think about that Nick boy!" Jackson fixes his tie up and sits back in his chair.
Soon after I storm out of the office a fire report is blaring out throughout the facility building. I sigh and run to my car and drive to the location, what I see shatters me to the core. My old home, Our old home, in ruins. The fire dancing with the stars above before vanishing. I look to see the hero's just shrugging it off and leaving, I can't leave I have to know who did it, who destroyed my only last memory of him.
I turn to see a man who's putting away his phone and I rush over to him.
"Sir! Sir! Did you see what happened?!" I feel desperate to know, I have to. The man seems to not care though about my presence and just hands me his phone, on the screen was a video, a video of a person I know all too well. It was Liquidizer.

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