Chapter Six

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Nothing makes sense, it's been a day since I spoke with Liquidizer, and nothing makes sense. Did everyone lie to me? Did the heroes truly send an attack on Nick? I hold my head gaining a headache from having multiple scenarios storming in my head. I take a breath and stand from the black leather chair stationed in the corner of my room and walk to my dresser. In the mirror above it I see my messy blonde hair, I haven't taken care of it much unless for special events, it's long and right now it's covering my undercut, I always have it in a bun when I work so it appears short. My eyes hold dark bags that contrast against my tan skin. A true sigh of my struggle with the current world.
I get dressed and cover up my bags and walk down to my kitchen seeing Octavia on the phone. Probably talking to one of her girl friends, or a man. I ignore it and grab the coffee pot and fill it up with water.
"So you spending tomorrow out with your girls?" I try to start a conversation to remove me from my plans for the day.
"Yes and I'm spending the night at Kacy's so I'm leaving in an hour." She rolls her eyes, I know she's not going to see whoever Kacy is. I don't I question her further and return my coffee. I put it in a coffee cup and leave her in the room. I drink my coffee as I wait for her to leave, she can't be here when I leave.
The door slams shut and I walk downstairs and see her dressed in very tight clothes and 5 inch stilettos, definitely not going to Kacy's. I don't care, she's gone out of the house and I can put my plan into action. I race to my office and drag out a huge box I had started to fill the night prior after leaving from work, inside the box contained every file on me and Liquidizer and Nick. Most of them were about me or Nick but every once and a while Liquidizer would come up and I knew I had to grab it since he knew Nick.
I grabbed one report I hadn't read yet after a few hours of reading, what I read shock me to the core. 'Assassination attempt, Left for dead. Subject in statement- Nickolas Ramirez , date 2030.' I stood in shock, but I new I had to keep reading. 'Attack issued by- Dr. R J Jameson." That was all I needed, I had to find Jameson and now.
I arrived at the building, it looking much darker and holding many secrets I can now see right past. I reach the third floor and walk past the secretary, storming into the office I see the old man in his chair with a stupid grin on his face.
"You tried to kill him!" I slammed my hands on the table, I was beyond furious.
"So what about it? He's been dead for 5 years and you needed a push." That grin never faulted, never moved.
"You hated me dating him, that I was happy! So what you go and try to murder him?!" I grow far more angry.
"Too late to change anything child, oh and if I was you I wouldn't go saying something like that in public, you should know by now what happens." He stands and walks me to the door before kicking me out of the room, "Oh and be on your best behavior tomorrow or else." With that the door was slammed onto my face.
I get home late at night and sit in my room, that is before grabbing my phone, I pull up the call pad and typed in the numbers that have been haunting my life for five years. The phone comes to life and rings out making the quite room dance before it stops and my whole life and world come crashing in.
"Hello? This IS Nickolas Ramirez speaking, can I ask who's calling?" It was him, he was alive! I couldn't shake it though, I knew that voice from recently.
"Hi Nick, it's Magnus, I didn't know you were alive till yesterday and I have so much to tell you if you will listen." I hold my breath for what feels like an eternity.
"That sounds extremely nice I'm here all night."
We talked for hours catching up and talking, I smiled for the first time in years and by the end of the call I knew I had to get some words in.
"Nick will you come to the hero gala tomorrow night?" I pray he says yes, I can leave Octavia and bring him home, to my home.
"I'll be sure to show up, I would never miss seeing you for the world." I laugh softly and lay back in my bed.
"I'll see you tomorrow." I hum, as the call disconnects and I slowly realize I have to get myself ready for tomorrow. I race to find my button up and blazer, along with my dress shoes. I run to the shower to contain and fix my hair, I have to look good tomorrow and not for the hero agency, for Nick. Tomorrow will be a night to remember.

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