Chapter Fifteen

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We watched as liquids formed around Nicks hands and lower arms. It was a horrific sight, especially if your the person who his breaking of powers is meant for. He has only ever had a break once before, we had to lock him in a stone room till the rage was over, the room was in rubble once it ended. We never wanted to know that wrath again, yet here we are. His eyes have gone dull, the grey practically spreading over his eyes entirely.
Once we got him calm enough to get him into his suit that will protect him from his powers, we all got ready, little did we know Nick was gone. By the time we realized he was headed to Hero Corp, we knew we needed to act fast.
Grandfather rushed into making a portal into the floor above the lounge room, on these monitors we could see Nick stepping up towards the building, his powers growing, his arms now covered in a multitude of liquids. We watch as without effort the normally secure and metal doors slam open and then join his ever growing liquid form. We take that as our que to distract the side issues. We all scrabble down into the lounge taking the heroes by surprise. On their monitor, we see a camera fixated on Nick following him as he shoves people with guns out of his way. Many of the people get slammed into walls or other objects, the ones not so luck get a far worse fate. We all try to ignore Nick's homicidal rage that lead to 5 people's extermination already. We all ready for battle in the seconds we have with the shock of us arriving to the mutilation of some of the guards to the lower layers of the facility.
With ease we paired up for each hero. Derik was on control of the camera following Nick, his goal was to keep it on him till he reached level 30. When I got a chance I looked to see Nick using his powers to efficiently speed down the 26 levels, and the force he contained was getting stronger the father down he got. Jameson was going to die, and it was no going to be painless. I return to electrocuting the heroes surrounding me.
Then the room turned dark, what sounded to be a power outage had just struck us. I used to total darkness to reach Derik, using my powers we powered up the monitor. There was the room, the machine was powering up, it had destroyed the power. On the second half of the screen was a now glowing and very angry Nick. What made this far more horrifying was that it wasn't magma making him luminescent. It was in fact no any of the liquids slowly forming around his body. It was himself, his skin was glowing, like his blood was morphing along with his powers. His skin was turn a bright white shine surrounded by a plethora of liquids. He had reached the 30th level.
Suddenly the building shook and quaked as we watched the second camera die and the doors which we soon learned were titanium were slammed open. As soon as it was opened a beam was shot at Magnus.
I see him shot. Magnus, was shot with the laser. I don't think. I can't think. I grow angry and without thought I have Jameson choking against the ceiling. Along with that I have also destroyed the laser.
Once I regain my thoughts Jameson is a blue limp body, eyes widened in fear and bloodshot from the compression. I don't care, he hurt Magnus. I run over to him, now back to normal, although my body still has a slight glow to it. I use some metal I had contained from the entrance door and forced it into a key, to unlock Magnus. I did this to all his restraints even his power blocking bands. He looked at me almost in a relieved state.
"You came. I didn't have much hope anyone would after week two. Your here." His voice is choked out and strained. His eyes finally come to a shut, finally able to rest. I work my miracles and remove all the blood from his hair and body, patching up what cuts I could.
"Your safe now, I won't let you die on my watch, no matter how long it takes." I kiss him, a kiss that was not returned. He was asleep, he needed to walk up all 28 levels.
"Baby, you can't sleep yet, I know it's safe to sleep now; but we desperately need you to stand." I grabbed at his arms and helped him up his eyes opening, look at his father.
"He can finally let the world rest from his terror." His bloody and broken face finally forms into a smile of hope. I can't help but smile with him, his broken and mangled hand takes mine and we start our tedious treck to the surface.
"Look who we found!" I point to our friends standing over now power locked heroes. We join in a hug. I apologize to Mom, she seems the most worried about me from the rest.
"Your an idiot!" She bops me upside the head. I hug her tightly. I move back to Magnus and stand holding him up.
"Everyone meet Magnus." I present him to the group, he waves and everything feels, calm.
We start walking up to the surface to get Magnus to an ambulance. We had head they were arriving to the building, we needed help.
"I guess my kill streak is broken. What was that like 10 people?" I state once we reached the ground floor.
"No more like 12." Mom corrects, she seemed proud and yet concerned for my safety after this. We make it the the steps of the building and we stand there waiting for the ambulance.
Everything stops. A loud bang rings out, it was too close. Magnus was on the floor. He was shot.

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