Chapter Sixteen

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It happened so fast. One minute my brother's talking about his body count, then a loud bang shots out. I stare in horror, Magnus has a hole in his chest, a quarter larger, and his skin growing pale. I run forward to catch him, he hits the floor. I get his head up and watch as Nick kneels down by our sides. He cups his head in a smile, his face goes numb as we feel Magnus grow vastly colder.
I use my powers to keep him warm, I have to keep him alive. The sound of waves pulls me back into reality. Shit, Nick's going to blow. I start to drag Magnus away from the scene about to happen, sirens blaring out growing closer. I have to get him to an ambulance, he shouldn't have taken that bullet, it should have bounced off him. Derik and Denise join me in getting him out of the way. Once we do we start getting civilians to get far away, we know what will happen, and this time it won't be contained.
I join the police barricade and watch the scene unfold. Nick falls to his knees, the shock wearing off, and a split second later, a blood curling scream rings out. Water starts to rapidly grow in a swirl around him, growing as his scream grows silent. I see Jameson start to fire at him again, a task that ends up in bullets scattered around him. Nick slowly starts to rise the swirl growing, nearing towards its next victim.
"He won't be able to be called till we drains himself!" Mom yells to me. An all sad but true fact, Nick won't come out of this awake, and we have to pray he does alive. The water forms a large swirling ball, finally having its target inside. Portions of the once beacon of hope start to be broken down by Nick, his powers diminishing them to rubble. The water is not dense and hard to see through, despite its other aspects, making its internal affairs free for the world to witness.
Internal of the sphere is Nick, once buzzed head now adapted with a water flame flickering angrily. His hands lay at his sides the power radiating from them mimicking the currant holding Jameson up. The magic turning red, as the water around Jameson turns a crimson. Nick is removing his blood, killing him. The red turns black in a matter of minutes, his hair fitting to match it, he won't calm down anytime soon and this could get bad.
Things can only get worse when the 'heroes' come rushing out to save their savor as they state it. They run out like baby sheep running to their mother, or a meal. Nick won't give them the time or day, he could care less if they existed. They didn't shoot Magnus.
We watch as a body, drained of blood and any other liquids in his body splats onto the floor, dead at last. The water begins to shrink back into Nicks body, a gross sight knowing an old mans blood is becoming my brother. Once he lands on the ground his hair still flickering, his eyes blue, a dumb hero tries to attack him. Foul move, once a fist edges near Nick he turns into a liquid. He makes quick flight, shifting into many different liquids. He won't survive.
"Sir! My brother! He won't live shifting that fast!" I grab the chiefs arm, my face morphing into a beg. He takes my note and turns to his men.
"Get medical ready now! When he collapses we have to get him and go!" I smile he was going to help us. Mom and Grandfather ready all the ambulances creating a way to move faster, the ambulance with Magnus leaves first, his heart beat dropping rapidly. I keep a barrier up to keep their heroes inside the barricade, they needed to either die or wear Nick down. His forms were changing at a rapid pace, he would shootout soon.
"Mom right now we have to pray he makes it out." I grab her hand once the ambulances are ready. My brother, her son, was on the field right now and if he didn't come out of this alive we would most likely never let ourselves regain from it.
A spark flickers and before we know it the building that once was Hero Corp is now a crater that stops at the ground floor, the heroes are down, we won. I run to Nick along with a paramedic and catch Nick, he lived, barely. We put him onto a gurney and he get hoisted into an ambulance, I join them along with the head chief.
"You know young man, he needs to pay for his crimes." He says to me solemnly. I knew that, but by the time I could respond the sound of death mirages in a single beep, rang out throughout the ambulance. He flatlined. He flatlined saving the world. A forgotten hero.

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