Chapter Seven

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I was bubbling with joy, due to this joy I had water particles circling me all night and day. I finally get to see him, as myself, as Nick. I barely slept, but when I did I slept the best I ever did on that cot. Now I'm sitting in the kitchen early for a breakfast I always miss.
"Oh this truly is a pleasant surprise!" Jess announces as she and the rest of the group walk in. I had already cooked and set the table for everyone, even though some people don't trust my cooking.
"Is it poisoned?" Denise sits next to me and pokes it, ever since I added too much milk to one batch of eggs she insists I can't cook. To prove her wrong I take a bite of my food and stick my tongue out at her.
"See not poisoned, besides I have a date tonight and I need my ride alive." I hum not thinking much of the words I said as I smile like an idiot.
"A date? On the night of our attack?!" Jess glares at me.
"Don't worry it's Magnus, and at the gala." I show her the text messages I had been sent this morning from him.
"Either I'm an idiot or he genuinely hasn't recognized me yet." I place my phone in my lap and we all eat and the table soon fills with laughter and conversation. A sound I would only listen to from afar in my room, for the past few years breakfast, lunch, and dinner seemed to blend and eventually I forgot all together, with recent news though I felt able to eat again. I know it's an eating disorder and I won't recover over night but I'm going to try, one bite at a time.
After everyone else finished breakfast and went to their rooms to prepare I was still working on the first third of my plate, I had no hope in finishing it all so I had what I could and stored the rest for the next day. I felt happy I could try to be happy again, but if tonight doesn't go as planned I may just go off the deep end. I remove the negative thoughts from my head and turn on some music as I clean up the kitchen and get out the medical kits for when we return home from the attack, knowing full well someone will get hurt. As I finish that it's noon and I know I'll need the rest of that time to prepare myself.
I grab my suit and mask and walk to my room, inside I see Ethan playing video games on his phone, he was on a watch mission for the past month and finally came back yesterday to get a part in the gala attack.
"Hey little bro." I ruffle his hair and hand him his suit pointing to the bathroom for him to change in.
"You know I hate suits, I'm burning this after the attack." He takes it and leaves the room leaving me to change myself, I put on my red button up and black vest, my pants are black, and my right hand is dressed up with a golden bracelet with two gold bands wrapping between my fingers. I hear the door click open and see Ethan in a green button up with a black decorative vest over top. I smile and tap the chair next to me for him to sit.
"I'm making your hair look not like a mess so stay still." I start to comb through it humming softly.
"I'm not a child and could have done that myself." He crosses his arms and stairs at the mirror in front of him.
"I know but we have to look out best." I finish cleaning up his hair and cover up my plethora of scars. We grab our masks and walk into the living room.
Jess is standing in the corner with a beautiful short red fade to black and back to red dress that is accompanied by red heals; Derik is sitting on the couch in a purple button up and a black blazer; Denise has on a emerald green ball gown with a black corset; Maddie has on a golden button up with a red blazer; and Kai has a white button up with a blazer and black leather jeans. Grandfather walks in with the nicest of the outfits, a grey button up and a vest and blazer, gold aspects cover his cane and vest.
"Everyone know the plan?" I state smiling brightly, "And make sure we attack after I get a word in with Magnus."
We get into a portal grandfather had summoned in behind Hero Corp.
"It's a lot darker in person." Jess hums as we all put our masks on.
"Remember we are the band until I give the signal." I walk up to the bouncer and tell him we are the band, being let inside is the easy part. Once on the fourth floor we set up and one by one the heroes file in. We are already playing music so nothing sets us off, most of us have temporarily changed our hair colors to stay hidden.
Once all the heroes are seated we move off stage to let the introductions happen when our eyes make contact, Magnus is here.
I was in a shock, his hair was kept and down reaching a bit past his shoulders with a small bun in the back from two side braids. He wore a yellow button up and a grey blazer, my favorite colors, he was looking for me. I watched from off stage as he was called up for a speech, his eyes looked full of hate and I could tell his speech was hiding hatred behind it. I removed myself from my thoughts as I analyze the room and get a play over who's in the room and to my luck, it's a full house. We are told to return to stage, and while doing so I nod to Flame and Nightmare to take control of the music while I make my move onto Magnus.
I know no one is dancing because they are all stuck up, but what fun is there without a dance floor. I see Unbreakable sitting next to Mrs. Octavia Ramaldi. I grimace at the sight of her, we link eyes and I know he knows. I smile and wave softly earning a wave in return. I look up and see cameras are everywhere and smile, just as planned.
"Mr.Unbreakable might I request a dance?" I smile like a dork, deep down praying he recognizes me.
"Why of course Mr. Ramirez." He stands and takes my hand leading me towards the dance floor. Just like that the plan has taken hold. This night will change the world forever and it just started changing.

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