Jumping Universes

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Wanda walked to Visions body. They tore him apart. Like he was nothing. She swallowed the lump in her throat and hovered her hand over his shattered skull. Using everything she had to reach out to him. He had to be in there somewhere.

But he wasn't. There was nothing there. Just emptiness. She let a few tears fall down her face.

"I can't feel you." She whispered.

She walked away back to her car where she found a folded piece of paper in her passenger seat. She picked it up and followed the directions to a small town called Westview.

It led her to the foundation of a house. When she looked at the paper she realized it was a property deed signed 'To grow old in, V.'

Wanda clutched the deed in her hands. She was sad, angry, and confused. Why did this have to happen to her? Why did everyone she loved have to die? What did she do wrong? Was this what she deserved?

She sank to her knees, tears falling down her face. She felt empty, completely empty and alone. She was angry that it had to happen this way.

She let all her agony out with one powerful scream. She felt the power course through her. She wanted it to tear her apart. Instead, it swallowed her into darkness.

She passed out. When she awoke, she was no longer in the sunny lot of Westview. Instead, she was in a dark alleyway surrounded by a large group of people whispering and murmuring.

She felt terribly exhausted. Mentally and physically. She wanted to move but she couldn't bring herself to do so. Everything hurt. So she let the darkness take over once more.

This time, she awoke in some sort of house. It was not a normal place, she could tell right away.


She looked to her left, there was a woman standing there. She seemed slightly nervous, though Wanda couldn't understand why.

"Hmm?" Wanda managed.

"Oh good, you're awake. We were starting to worry, it's been a few days." The woman said.

Wanda nodded. She didn't know what to say. She decided it was best to sit up.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions ok?"

Wanda nodded once more.

"Ok, how old are you?"

"I-I'm 28."

The woman wrote what she said on a small notepad. Wanda didn't care.

"And what is your name?"

"Wanda Maximoff."

The woman wrote again.

"Ok, and you're a witch?" The woman said bluntly.

"Excuse me?" Wanda was taken aback.

"Are you? A witch?"

"Uh- yes. I am."

"That's all I need. Thank you." The woman said. She walked out of the room.

Wanda got off the bed, she walked out into a main area where she saw many other girls. Some were young and some were older. She turned her head to the right and saw a door, she tried to open it but it was stuck.

Magic, she realized. The doors were locked using magic. She sent a blast of scarlet magic at the door and it flew open. Everyone looked at her. She ran through the open doors and used her magic to fly up out of reach.

She flew for a while before she landed in a small town called Mystic Falls. She thought it seemed small enough that no one would think anything of her appearance there. She landed in the woods so no one saw and she walked out and down the sidewalks.

She realized how hungry she was. She walked a little while longer before she found the 'Mystic Grill'. Good enough, she thought as she walked in. There were more people in there than she thought there would be.

She could sense something magical in this little town but it was much stronger in here. She felt eyes on her as she walked to a small table in the corner. She eventually looked over to see a darker skinned girl with short brown hair looking at her.

Wanda could tell this girl was a witch. The girl was sitting with a few other people, a perky blonde girl, an annoyed looking brunette girl, a dark haired man with bright blue eyes, and a blonde man with green eyes.

The witch tapped her blonde friend on the shoulder and whispered something to her. The blondes smile faded into something serious as she looked over at Wanda. Wanda felt herself sink a little into her chair.

The blonde and the witch said something to the rest of the table and they all glanced at Wanda. Then a blonde haired blue eyed boy came over to her.

"Hi welcome to the Mystic Grill what can I get for you?" He said with a smile.

"Um, can I get a salad please?" She asked.

"Sure thing! I'll be right back with that." He said and he walked off to get her order. Wanda was glad she had her wallet in her pocket still.

She tried her best not to think about Vision or Pietro at the moment. Then the boy came back and gave her the salad.

"That'll be 3:50." He said. She gave him a five dollar bill and he returned the change. She thanked him and he walked away.

She ate her salad quite quickly, the environment of this place was getting tense. The one table full of people kept giving her funny looks and glances. She was glad when they all got up and left.

When she finished her salad she cleaned up and walked out of the grill. She noticed the witch standing with her friends outside so Wanda turned the other way. Hopefully she could avoid them.

A Universe AwayΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα