Spells and Magic

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Wanda woke up and wore a red shirt, grey open sweater, ripped jeans, and converse. It was the only thing she brought here with her. Wherever she was. 

They went over the plan one last time before leaving to meet the Mikaelsons at the graveyard. Esther had told them she was planning to help them, not kill them. They were all suspicious but needed some sort of assistance at the moment, so they obliged.

So the Salvatore Gang came to help the witch that wanted to kill the Mikaelsons. Wanda used her power to disappear and fly up behind a tall headstone where she wouldn't be seen.

She watched as who she assumed to be the Mikaelsons scowl and frown at the Salvatores. According to what she gathered from their minds, neither was very fond of the other. They had had multiple fights against each other and this was yet another. 

Elena gave Esther Wanda's blood, she took it and gave this whole spiel about how her children were abominations who needed to be erased from the world. And something about their age. Wanda knew they were all vampires at this point, but she didn't know she was going to deal with some of the most powerful ones. 

Her attention was snapped back to reality when Esther said, "I have placed a spell on this graveyard so all who entered cannot leave unless I permit them to do so."

That wasn't going to go well with the plan. Wanda was still invisible to the eye, but her magic was strong. It could be sensed by Esther. 

"There is someone else here," Esther stated, looking Wanda's way. She saw Caroline and Bonnie exchange glances. 

"Reveal yourself," Esther called out. 

Wanda called out to Caroline and Bonnie's minds, 'What do you want me to do?'

Bonnie replied, 'Do what she says, it'll end better that way.'

So Wanda went behind the gravestone, used her power to reappear, and walked over to Esther. She realized all the attention was on her. 

"Who are you?" Esther asked. 

Wanda mentally rolled her eyes, why were people so nosy? "Wanda Maximoff." 

"And you are a witch?" Esther said, taking a few too many steps towards Wanda. 

"I am," Wanda replied. 

Esther whispered something underneath her breath, in Latin. Wanda read Esther's mind as she realized her spell did not affect Wanda. Her mind raced with thoughts, Wanda couldn't keep track of them all. 

"Then why do my spells not affect you?" Esther asked, more to herself than to Wanda. 

Wanda shrugged, "You tell me."

Confusion passed over Esther's face, "I should get on with the spell, don't cause a racket. I need complete focus." 

Many of the Mikaelsons began talking, as did the Salvatores as they exchanged threats and snide comments about the others. 

"Silence!" Esther called out. Everyone immediately stopped. 

Caroline called out to Wanda's mind, 'Wanda! Can you hear me?'

'Yes, are you ok?'

'She used some spell and we can't move or talk.'

'It didn't affect me, I think I can undo it.' 

Wanda moved her fingers a wrists, just enough that Esther wouldn't see a large movement. She could use the element of surprise. 

"Your spell did not work on me," Wanda stated plainly. 

"I know. I don't know why, but I can't affect you." Esther's tone was annoyed. 

Scarlet energy swirled around Wanda's hands. Esther looked up. 

"What are you doing?" 

"I'm undoing your spell, which won't take long when I actually use my magic. This is more of a warning. There may be lots of angry vampires coming at you." Wanda smirked. 

She sent her magic out and it enveloped the affected vampires. Effectively removing the spell. The Mikaelsons are sent her a glance that was either confused or slightly afraid. The Salvatores sent her a grateful glance. 

"They can't hurt me, I've used a protection spell." Esther smiled triumphantly. "It creates a barrier around only me so no one can get to me." 

Wanda walked up to the invisible barrier, she noticed strange symbols around them. Those weren't there before. She looked into Esther's mind, 'Runes, only the witch who cast them can use her magic in a given space.' 

Then it faded, her magic was disabled. Wanda frowned, "Why are you using runes? Afraid much?" 

Esther scowled, "I'm not afraid, I'm making sure you can't hurt me either." 

She realized Esther was almost done with the spell, but since it was her blood it wouldn't work. Wanda smirked. 

The runes faded from the gravestones around them. Esther finished the spell, nothing happened. 

"You lied to me. You all did." Esther said. 

The Salvatores all held their heads as they dropped to their knees in pain. Wanda sped forward and used her magic to show Esther her worst fears and memories. She watched as the scarlet filled Esther's eyes. 

(She did this but to Esther)

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(She did this but to Esther)

Esther was stunned, she stumbled to the ground, looking around at things no one else could see. The scarlet stayed in her eyes as she sat on the ground, dazed. She began breathing more heavily. 

"What did you do to her?" One of the Mikaelsons, who wore a suit, asked. 

"I infiltrated her mind. Right now, she is seeing her worst memories and fears." Wanda said, with a hint of sadness. 

She hated doing that to people, she knew how much it affected them. She remembered Nat, Steve, and Tony. All dead. She never got to say goodbye to Nat, Steve got the life he always wanted, and Tony got what he hoped he'd never get. 

Everyone got closer to Esther, who closed her eyes and slightly rocked back and forth. Wanda peered into Esther's mind, She was surrounded by vampires and wolves with their teeth bared. She was pinned to the ground by one of her own children. The world was overrun by monsters. Then it changed. On a snowy day, a young blonde girl being taken by an older woman. A child by Esther's side and she was obviously pregnant. Wanda retreated from her mind. 

"She'll be fine. It might take a while but she'll get over it." Wanda said, sadness lacing her tone. 

"Are you alright?" Caroline spoke. 

Wanda nodded. Releasing Esther from her nightmares. Esther gasped and looked around, then at Wanda. 

"How?" She simply said. 

"That's for me to know, and you to never figure out." Wanda scowled. 

"You shouldn't have done that," Esther replied. 

"What are you gonna do? Your magic doesn't affect me." Wanda smirked. 

With a wave of her hand, Esther teleported herself and Wanda to another cell where Wanda was chained again. 

"No. You can't do this." Wanda said. 

Esther smiled, "Yes. I can."

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