Going Home

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Agnes stayed in the house with Wanda and the rest so they could keep an eye on her.

Wanda had the Darkhold. The book Agatha kept. She flipped through it. It was in a different language, but somehow Wanda understood every word.

"Huh." She said aloud.

She stopped on a page titled, "The Scarlet Witch".

She read through it and realized it described her. Everything about her. Her parents, brother, even Vision (who wasn't specifically named but was described).

It talked about the mind stone as well. Then she found herself reading through the whole book, strutting spells and different types of magic.

"Whoa!" Caroline said as she stepped in the door.

Wanda looked up at her. The book dropped to the floor when she realized she was levitating with it.

"What is that, and what are you doing?" Caroline asked.

"It's hard to explain." Wanda replied.

"I literally have an eternity." Caroline said.

Wanda sat down and told Caroline about the Darkhold, The Scarlet Witch, and the strange language she could read.

"Can I see it?" Caroline said.

Wanda opened the book to show Caroline. She watched as Caroline looked at all the different symbols and pictures.

"Well, I have no idea what that says, it doesn't even look like a real language. It looks like scribbles." Caroline frowned.

"That's what I thought but then I realized that I can read it perfectly fine." Wanda shrugged.

"Huh. Magic books are always weird." Caroline nodded.

"Indeed." Wanda nodded with her.

After a few days, Wanda had studied the entire Darkhold. Caroline came into her room to check on her.

"Hey how are you doing?" Caroline said, sitting on the bed next to Wanda.

"I found a way to get back home." Wanda smiled a little.

"Really!? That's great I'm so happy for you!" Caroline said with a smiled. Wanda noticed it faltered a little.

"Yeah, I'm gonna miss you guys though." Wanda gave her a small, sad smile.

"We'll miss you too." Caroline replied with a sad smile.

They smiled at each other for a while until Caroline looked down at her lap and gave Wanda a small snow globe.

It said "Mystic Falls" and had a little cutout of the clock tower.

"What is this for?" Wanda asked.

"Something to remember us by." Caroline said, with another sad smile.

Wanda returned the smile, "I think it's time."

Caroline nodded and they walked into the living room together.

Wanda and the rest went to the small alleyway where Wanda had first appeared. She had Agatha with her this time. She had to turn Agnes back into Agatha so they could get home successfully.

Everyone was gathered around them. Wanda took a deep breath.

"I just have to focus and this spell should work just fine." She said, clutching the deed in her hand.

She put the deed in her pocket, and held her hands up. Scarlet energy swirled around them. Wanda focused on the spell, a ball of scarlet energy forming in her hands. She opened her eyes and shot it into the wall.

The wall glowed a strange red, like it was covered in water. Then a light formed in the middle and got bigger, and bigger, and bigger. It was a portal.

Soon it showed the small town of Westview, right on the foundation of the house where Wanda had previously disappeared from.

Wanda smiled, "Right where I left."

Agatha smiled a little as well, walking through the portal. When she went through, she changed back into Agnes.

Wanda turned to Caroline, Elena, Bonnie, and Damon, "Thank you. All of you. I'm gonna miss you guys."

Caroline smiled, "I don't know about them but I'll definitely miss you."

Elena and Stefan nodded. They hadn't really gotten that close with Wanda.

"It was nice meeting you Wanda, I think I'll miss you too." Bonnie smiled.

Damon sighed, "I guess if we're all saying our goodbyes, I will miss you..just a little teeny tiny bit..as well."

Wanda smiled and walked through the portal, she turned to give them one last smile as the portal closed behind her. She saw Caroline wave goodbye so she gave a small wave as well.

The portal closed. Wanda put her hand down. Caroline did the same on the other side. Wanda and Agnes walked to Wanda's car. They drove out of Westview.

They drove to an abandoned house, Agnes looked confused.

"Where are we going hon?" Agnes asked.

"You'll see." Wanda smiled.

They got out and walked around in a field behind the house for a while. They took in the scenery and Agnes was quite content.

They walked for a while longer before Wanda touched Agnes's shoulder.

Before Agnes could say anything, they were in a beautiful mountain range. In front of them, was a lovely little cabin.

"I thought we could stay here for a while," Wanda smiled.

"Fine with me!" Agnes said, going up onto the porch and looking around.

Wanda turned around and looked out at the scenery. She heard Agnes call, "What a beautiful view! I have to ask though, how did we get here?"

"I'll tell you when you're older," Wanda called back.

That got a laugh out of Agnes.

-A few months later-

Wanda was sitting on the porch, looking out at the view. Agnes was in the kitchen making some more tea.

Wanda's brow furrowed as she watched a helicopter come in from a distance and land just behind the mountain. Not long after,  a woman and a man came down the path that lead to the cabin.

Wanda stood up as they approached.

"Hello, my name is Jimmy Woo. FBI." The man said. "We need to talk to you."

"Ok, about what?" Wanda asked.

"Quite a few months ago, you released a lot of power, yes?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes..." Wanda said carefully.

"That power has affected my comrade, Monica." He motioned to the woman.

"In what way?" Wanda said.

"I've gained some...abilities....and I don't quite know how to control them. I was wondering if you could help me?" Monica asked.

Wanda thought for a moment before smiling, "Of course, come in. My friend Agnes is making some tea. We can talk inside."

Monica and Jimmy nodded, following Wanda into the small cabin.

A/N: Please Stand By. Just kidding. Kinda. That's the end of the storyyy! Did you guys like it? Also let me know if you want a sequel that involves more of Monica and Darcy along with the TVD characters and Agnes. And also let me know if you have any other sorry ideas for me! Love y'all and thanks so much for reading!!!  <3

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