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Caroline was tired of hearing her friends argue, so she went down to check on Wanda. She heard muffled cries from the cell Wanda was in.

She slowly walked over and opened the cell door. Wanda looked up at her with teary eyes.

"What do you want?" Wanda said sadly.

"I heard you crying. Are you ok?" Caroline said softly.

Wanda knew she was being honest, Caroline was a good person.

"I'm not ok. But you wouldn't understand, and that's not your fault." Wanda gave her a sad smile.

Caroline nodded slowly.

"I can show you, if you want." Wanda said as she took a deep breath.

"Ok." Caroline nodded.

Wanda slowly removed the chains, making sure Caroline knew she wasn't long to do anything hostile. Caroline took a few steps towards her. Wanda put her hand up by Caroline's head and watched as the scarlet glowed in her eyes. Signaling that Wanda had access to Caroline's mind, therefore being able to show her the memories.

After a little while, the scarlet faded from Caroline's eyes. She looked back up at Wanda, her eyes were sad.

"I'm so sorry, that- I- I don't even know what to say." Caroline said.

"It's ok, it's not your fault." Wanda sad sadly.

"I know this probably doesn't even compare, but I lost my parents too. My dad was basically murdered and my mom died of cancer." Caroline said softly.

"Were your friends there for you?" Wanda asked:

"Well yeah, but I did a lot of bad things after that happened and I'd rather not talk about that." Caroline looked away.

"You don't have to, I know how it feels when something bad happens at your hand. I don't like talking about it either." Wanda replied.

"I'm sorry that Damon is such an ass. He just..." Caroline paused.

"Doesn't trust easy?" Wanda finished.

"Yeah, and believe it or not he's had a pretty rough past as well. We all kind of have, losing people is pretty common around here actually."

Wanda nodded, "When I lost my my brother, I was a wreck. I felt like there was nothing left for me, but there was one person who said, "What is grief, if not love persevering?", and I've remembered that ever since. It didn't make it hurt less, but it helped me get through it."

"The person sounds very smart." Caroline smiled a little.

Wanda smiled at the memory, "He was."

They heard Caroline being called from upstairs. She turned to Wanda.

"I'll be back later, we've got an issue to deal with."

"What kind of issue?"

"A really ancient witch came back again and she wants her family, who has also returned, dead and we have to help her or else." Caroline sighed.

"I could help, if you'll let me. I don't really have anything else to do." Wanda shrugged.

"If you're as powerful as Bonnie keeps saying then you'll be able to help us a lot." Caroline said. "Let me go talk to them."

"Absolutely not." Damon said.

"Can I please finish?" Caroline sighed.

"No! We can't trust her. She could betray us and just kill us!" Damon said.

"She won't." Caroline argued.

"How do you know that?" Damon snapped.

"Because I talked to her and-"

"Oh you had a little chat did you? Did she mention anything about the incident from earlier?"

"No, because we weren't talking about that."

"Then, pray tell, what were you talking about?" Damon asked.

"That's not my story to tell."

"Then she isn't helping us."

"Yes she is." Bonnie said. "And that's final."

"Bonnie are you sure?" Elena asked.

"You saw what she did earlier..." Stefan said.

"Which is exactly why we need her, she was able to overpower Damon without even trying. Just imagine how much more she can do against Esther!" Bonnie exclaimed.

"This is a horrible idea." Damon sighed.

"I agree." Elena said.

"I agree with Bonnie." Caroline said.

"I'll have to say the same, I mean she's right. She could do some substantial damage if she that powerful." Stefan added.

"There's a lot of 'if's' being thrown around right now." Damon snapped.

"She's helping and that's the end of it Damon." Caroline snapped back.

Wanda was brought upstairs and they discussed the plan. Get to the graveyard everyone would be at (except Wanda she just stays nearby), give Esther Wanda's blood instead since no one knows her, when the spell doesn't work get out of there quick. And if things go wrong bring Wanda in.

"What Damon." Wanda said.

"For the record, I don't like you. So don't 'What Damon' me." He snapped.

"Well I don't like you either so I guess that means we're even." She snapped back.

He scowled and she crossed her arms. Caroline frowned, giving Wanda a look that said , 'I'm sorry.'

They went over the plan a few more times to make sure everyone knew who did what and when they needed to do it.

"Wanda, just so you know, Esther is a really powerful ancient witch. You have to be really careful." Bonnie warned.

Wanda nodded, "I will be."

Honestly, Wanda didn't really care if she died. She would welcome death if it came her way.

"Are you sure you're up for this?" Caroline said, remembering her recent loss.

Wanda nodded and spoke back to Caroline's mind, 'Yes. I mean what more can I lose?'

Caroline's eyes saddened for a moment before Damon decided to join the conversation.

"Why are you guys looking at each other like that? She nodded, she didn't even say anything." He rolled his eyes.

Caroline turned to look at him, glaring, "Maybe you shouldn't butt in when you weren't involved."

"Maybe you shouldn't act so weird!" Damon raised his voice.

"Look Damon, stay out of it. It's not your business, and you are never going to understand because I'm not going to let you." Wanda have him a half smile.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Damon scowled.

"It means I'm not going to tell you anything about me, ever." She titled her head and half smiled again.

"This is why we shouldn't trust her!" Damon frowned.

"Ok, is everyone cool with the plan?" Bonnie said, ignoring Damon entirely.

Everyone nodded, "Alright good, be ready for tomorrow. It's going to be a big day."

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