Anger and Sadness

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"You showed me my worst fears and memories. Kept me stunned and vulnerable. I want to know how." Esther said. 

"You think I would ever help you." Wanda scowled. 

"You will, I can make you feel all the pain you've ever felt at once," Esther said. 

"No. Please. No." Wanda said, backing up into the wall.

"Now who's afraid?" Esther said. 

She began the spell, not knowing that when Wanda felt pain she would usually release lots of magic with it. 

Wanda began breathing heavily, tears streaming down her face as she sank to her knees. She felt the anger again, this time towards Esther, Hayward, Thanos, Ultron, everyone who had ever caused her pain. She felt something rise from deep within her, a mass of energy waiting to be released. It hurt so much, everything at once. Her brother, Vision, her parents, Nat, the pain she felt in Lagos when all those people were killed. She wanted to scream. 

"I know where Esther took her, she's predictable," Klaus said. 

"Ok, well we need to find her now," Caroline said.

"No, we don't. I'm glad she's gone." Damon frowned. 

Bonnie smacked Damon's arm, "Stop being like that!"

Then she turned to Klaus, "Lead the way." 

He nodded and his family drove them to the abandoned building they knew she was at. They all ran into the building. They split up and looked everywhere. Caroline eventually found them. She attacked Esther from behind. 

Esther used her magic to push Caroline into the wall. Then ripped her heart out. 

Wanda watched in horror as Caroline slumped to the ground, her skin greying with dark veins covering her. Wanda's eyes glowed red. 

"You're going to regret that," Wanda growled. 

"You can't use magic, those chains prevent you from doing so," Esther smirked. 

Scarlet magic swirled around Wanda. The chains disinitgrated around her. Esther stepped back. With the spell still in full effect, Wanda was in full anger mode. Esther tried to run but found herself surrounded in scarlet. 

"No.. no please. Don't hurt me." Esther begged. 

"You shouldn't have killed Caroline. You get what you deserve." Wanda said. 

"I- I can bring her back." Esther tried. 

"And you shouldn't have lied just now." Wanda said. 

She pushed Esther to her knees, and looked down on her. Scarlet magic outlining a headdress on her head. 

Esther shrank under Wanda's presence. Wanda lifted Esther up in the air. Stripping her magic away a little at a time. Esther screamed in pain. 

Wanda felt Esther's magic going back where it came from. She pulled and pulled at her magic. The outlined headdress filling in the middle. 

"Wanda stop!" Bonnie yelled. 

Wanda turned towards the witch, the glow left her eyes and the scarlet headdress faded. Wanda whipped back around but Esther was gone. 

"Are you kidding me?" Wanda yelled. 

"Wanda what happened to Caroline?" Bonnie said, her voice shaky. 

"Esther happened. And I was about to get revenge before you stopped me." Wanda said angrily. 

"Is she dead?" Bonnie asked sadly. 

"I think so." Wanda said angrily. 

Bonnie kneeled next to her friend, "Is there anything you can do?" 

"I- I don't know, but I can try."

"If we didn't have to go after you, this wouldn't have happened!" Damon yelled. 

"I didn't ask you to come for me!" Wanda yelled back. 

"Oh so you'd rather have died?" Damon yelled. 

"Yes I would have!" Wanda yelled without thinking. 

That earned her a concerned look from about everyone in the room. 

"Care to elaborate?" Bonnie asked sadly. 

"No." She said. 

"Then how do you expect us to believe that you really want to help you don't trust us!" Damon yelled again. 

"Fine. If you really must know." She said, then with a wave of her hand scarlet magic filled their eyes. 

She waited for a moment or two before it faded again, "There. Now you know." 

Then she stormed out of the room.  She wanted her friends and family back, she wanted Vision back. She wanted everything to be perfect and happy. She wanted everything to be the way it was before Pietro died. Her parents were long gone and she had accepted that, but Pietro and Vizh. Even though it had been so long since Pietro, she still remembered it like it was yesterday. 

She remembered how it felt when she couldn't feel him in her head anymore. That wave of dread that washed over her when she couldn't reach out and find him. Only to look over and find him littered with bullets. 

And Vizh, his poetic yet wise words. The only thing that helped her push forward, his innocence and curiosity. The first time he told her he loved her, just before she destroyed him. Then how she couldn't feel him either, just like Pietro all over again. 

She wanted to feel safe and loved. She wanted to visit Pietro's grave and tell him everything, she wanted to give Vision a funeral. Because he deserved it, and because she did. She wanted Nat to talk and laugh and train with. She wanted Tony to be with his little daughter, Morgan. Because she deserved a father. 

She wanted Caroline to be alive, with her friends and her parents. She wanted Esther dead. She wanted to take all her anger and sadness and pain out on Esther. But what she wanted the most, was to go home. To Westview, or the Compound, even the Tower. But she couldn't. Not yet at least. She had bring Caroline back first, and get rid of Esther for good. 

Home could wait, for now. 

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